Recent content by mike2012

  1. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    After deleting the original Intel WIFI drivers in safe mode, then letting Windows manually reinstall the driver, then updating the driver with the Intel Support utility; I haven't had any crashes in days. So for now I can consider the problem solved.
  2. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    I deleted the original Intel WIFI drivers in safe mode, then reinstalled them using the Intel Driver Support utility. Since then I haven't had crashes in a day; so crossing my fingers.
  3. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    Yes, I did mean nwifi.sys. I noticed I hadn't installed recent Windows Updates, so I installed them and so far I've left my computer on overnight with no crashes. Hopefully that fixes it. Edit: After installing updates PC hasn't crashed pretty much the whole day after watching Youtube videos...
  4. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    How can I update Microsoft wifi drivers? Might try to update the BIOS. Still really strange how I can play an intensive game for hours never crash, but I'm just sitting idle BSOD because nwifi.sys.
  5. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    Now I'm only getting random BSODs completely idle. The crash dump always the culprit is "nwifi.sys" everytime. Here's the new crash dump... Again, only when idle never during a game. Used the Intel tool to...
  6. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    Thanks. I will try to see if I can use the Intel Driver and Support Assistant to update that driver. Had another system crash yesterday, looked at the dump files and the culprit was a file that had something to do with the Riot Vanguard anti-cheat. Googled it and other people had the problem as...
  7. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    Tested the Unigine Heaven Benchmark for 30 minutes on 1080p extreme settings and no BSOD. So definitely only happens on Youtube.
  8. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    Not sure what the make/model of the PSU is I will have to check; but I think it's a pretty high quality PSU. If it is a PSU problem though, why can I play games at max settings for hours and never BSOD? Only when watching Youtube? I uploaded the dump files to Google Drive...
  9. M

    Question Kernel Power BSOD, but only when watching Youtube videos ?

    I recently had a problem where I had a Kernel Power BSOD, but it only happens when I'm watching Youtube videos. After the BSOD I rebooted the computer, did a memory diagnostics test with no errors. Then I played an hour of Hitman 3 on ultra settings with no issues; so I don't think it's a PSU...
  10. M

    Question I'm furious... How do I PERMANENTLY disable Windows Update?

    Okay. Windows Update has officially got on my last nerves. How do I PERMANENTLY disable this garbage? I'm playing a game and it's windy out so okay power outage. PC comes back. WINDOWS tries to update when I turn my PC on. Windows Update BRICKS my PC and I CAN'T start Windows. Luckily, I had a...
  11. M

    Question How hard is to break tempered glass side panels?

    Most prebuilt PCs these days have tempered glass side panels. It seems near impossible to find a prebuilt that has a non-glass side panel. That being said. I'm kind of terrified of spending $2000 on a PC just to accidentally shatter the glass side panel. I've heard horror stories on forums of...
  12. M

    Question Black screen while playing OW2 then entire PC freezes

    Actually, I've played games far more demanding than OW2 and it's never happened. For instance, I've played Assassin's Creed Odyssey on max settings and never had a problem. That's open world and far more demanding than OW2. Same with Horizon Zero Dawn. Far more demanding than OW2 but never had...
  13. M

    Question Black screen while playing OW2 then entire PC freezes

    Okay, I've had a problem recently. One day I was playing OW2 and alt tabbed out of it. Came back and OW2 had a black screen but audio was still playing. Then I alt tab out again and try to move the mouse but everything is frozen; requiring a hard reset. So I push the power button, turn the...
  14. M

    Question How can I disable Windows Update notifications?

    I understand Windows updates are necessary. But how Microsoft has implemented Windows updates are just annoying. For example, I'll just be doing work on the computer and an "We have an update for you" popup will just randomly popup. How can I permanently disable any Windows Update...
  15. M

    Question Why is PC Gaming so expensive?

    So, I'm just wondering why pc gaming is so expensive now. I paid around $2k for a PC with an RTX 3060 and a Ryzen CPU and I'm just wondering, what does my $2k PC do better than a $600 console? Let's just talk about the PS5. The PS5 can do 1080p 60fps with very good graphics, raytracing and...