Recent content by Pyree

  1. Pyree

    Long-Awaited Windows RT 8.1 Update Lands, Nobody Cares

    What really killed Windows RT, I think, is Windows 8 and Bay Trail Atoms. Once Windows 8 (first without Bing, then with Bing) is installed on Bay Trail Atoms tablet, which is fully x86 and selling on the market for $200-300, there is not point on getting a Windows RT tablet. Now, if you look...
  2. Pyree

    Can't use touch screen to open multiple tabs in background

    Same version of Chrome. Looks like it only occur for some people.
  3. Pyree

    Can't use touch screen to open multiple tabs in background

    If your job allows you to install Chrome extension, try using the Force Background Tab extension on Chrome. I tested it and it worked. When you have the extension active, you can use the on-screen keyboard Ctrl + tap on screen combination to open a tab in background.
  4. Pyree

    Can't use touch screen to open multiple tabs in background

    @ redhedkt I tried the exact same thing (on screen keyboard Ctrl + tap on screen) on Chrome on a Dell Venue 8 Pro and I am getting the same result as you do. Firefox works fine using the same combination of input so I think it is a Chrome bug. You are better off filing a bug report to Chrome...
  5. Pyree

    Dell Refreshes Atom-powered Venue 7 and Venue 8 Tablets

    This is not the Pro line of the Dell Venue series tablet!
  6. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    Two and a half years of destruction to go.
  7. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/
  8. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    I had a really big dinner that lasted from around 5:30pm to 10pm. It takes time to digest the food.
  9. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    So true. If the advice is like "Don't worry. God always loves you. Everything will work out just fine.". As an atheist, it really has no effect at all because 1. I don't believe in God and it does not exist and 2. if God does exists, I think I am worse off since I am an atheist.
  10. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    Budget 2014: Funding for secular counsellors cut in school chaplaincy program Well, the Liberal government is acting like the Taliban. Destruction everywhere they go and forcing religion on everyone.
  11. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    "Here’s a report from the (who can we trust if we can’t trust the) ABC, on company directors and what they thought of the Abbott Government when it came to power, versus what they think of it now. Back when the dust hadn’t settled, a survey by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)...
  12. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    Yeah, great! Pay company to hire people over 50 and expect young people to magically have a better chance to get a job. XD I am starting to think that Abbott and Hockey have a feces filled cranium. I will not be surprised that many young people will turn to crime. Investing on a good security...
  13. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    My internet suck so much I fell like getting a shovel and kick open the door of the exchange and start digging to replace the old rotten copper with new shiny fiber myself.
  14. Pyree

    Abbot's budget: Total disaster... but at least we get F35s :/

    Who needs unbiased news from ABC when you can listen to Alan Jones?