Question I need advice on choosing software for working with sound in music production ?

May 6, 2024
I am interested in music production and am now looking for good software with the ability to mix music and mainly I would like to get some artificial intelligence capabilities. Maybe you know some plugins for mixing? I used to work with Waves Nx, but now I have given up and am looking for a new solution. In general, any advice related to mixing software would be useful to me.


More information needed:

What do you have, if anything, now? Hardware, software, studio, etc.?

What has been tried, to date, what was acceptable, and what was not? Why.

Noted Waves Nx - what were the reasons for giving up on that?


Why do you think AI will be helpful or otherwise beneficial?
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May 6, 2024
Yes, I decided to give up Waves Nx because they started asking for too much money)) I’m not the most advanced in using software, but it seems to me that artificial intelligence could simplify some processes. What do you think about Apple Vision Pro for music production and Cubase for example? I've read that these are quite good solutions.
Still need a lot more information.
Genre of music

I'd ignore AI until you know what you're doing or have a clear path.

You're concerned about the cost of Waves NX which is only $99 but what is your current DAW of choice?

Is this a new hobby you are just starting?

Answers to these questions will allow us to help.
May 6, 2024
Yes, I'm just a beginner and am currently interested in the best approach to music production. I'm mainly interested in guitar music. I use the free version of Ableton and currently monitor a lot of music forums. On this forum I was able to find information and videos about Ableton running on Apple Vision Pro and I was interested. Of course, I am ready to pay money if it will be useful for my development in music production. Therefore, I am interested in the opinions of experienced people. Thank you for your support.
May 6, 2024
I've been playing bass guitar for almost two years. I bought a guitar a long time ago, but only recently started playing music. Model yamaha rbx-270j. I also have an old Yamaha psr e373 synthesizer. Now my goal is to develop in the direction of music production. All my attempts were pure self-indulgence. Therefore, I need to know where exactly to start. Of course, I understand that this process requires time, knowledge, experience and experimentation. But still...