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  1. J

    [SOLVED] Signal disconnecting and crashes... graphics card issue?

    Try taking out the GPUs one at a time. If one card is dieing on crossfire it may explain the res crashing.
  2. J

    Screen tearing in most games (with V-Sync)

    Screen tearing happens when your GPU is pushing to high or to low of frame for your display to show. As You are using Nvidia 10 series cards, I would suggest you disable the vsync in games, and enable the Nvidia Fast Sync from the Nvidia control panel. Vsync is an out of date setting anyway.
  3. J

    Accidentally Uninstalled Integrated Graphics Help

    We need more info on your system, like what hardware, OS, ECT...
  4. J

    Screen tearing in most games (with V-Sync)

    What monitor are you using?
  5. J

    Help upgrade my pc

    PUBG is a very CPU intense game, so your A8-6600k will be a bottleneck there. If you plan on keeping your cpu go with a gtx 1050ti, it's about 2x faster then your onchip gpu. If you plan on upgrading the CPU in the near future I would go with the Rx 570 or gtx 1060.
  6. J

    Upgrading really old card | low/mid-end pc

    What are your expectations for the upgrade? I see you have the gt 240, that's a really low end card. Even a gt 1030 would be a huge jump. If you plan to game at 720p both the 1030 and 1050 would be fine. If you want 1080p the 1050ti would be your starting point, but anything over that and you...
  7. J

    Should i upgrade the gpu or the cpu firar

    What gpu are you planning on getting?
  8. J

    Which Upgrade Should I Go With?

    I agree with M04D18, the 1080 ti is overkill, the 1050 to and the 1060 are great cards, unless you will be doing VR, then I would go for the 1070. That being said The AMD Ryzen 7 1700 is on sale at Amazon for 270$ making it a tempting offer over the i7
  9. J

    Which Upgrade Should I Go With?

    Changing you gpu would give you the biggest performance boost. An 8350 will bottleneck a 1080 ti, but not as much as your 750 ti will bottleneck a Ryzen 7 or I 7. That being said I assume this is a gaming build based on the parts. With pc gaming the gpu is the main performance pusher. For...
  10. J

    BSOD, google chrome and ram issues. Almost unusable PC

    Both errors are for bad drives. After the bsod THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED there should be the name of the file that crashed in (parentheses) once you know what driver is the problem, make Shure you completely uninstall it befor reinstalling.
  11. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    The EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G1, 80+ GOLD can be had for under 100$. And comes with a 10 year warranty. Also checkout this thread a bit old but still good
  12. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    Though if i were you I would change out that PSU either way. Tier 6 are not stable psus, especially under load
  13. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    It could very well be the PSU. The easiest way to test it would be to swap it out. Or you have the experience you could test it with a multimeter. But that can be dangerous if you don't have the know how. A psu swap is fast, and if it not the problem, you can always return the new psu.
  14. J

    Crashing after 5 mins of gaming with black and white lines

    Looks like you are having a power issue. Check your psu and gpu, though I would check the gpu first. The hd 7900 series are known for having system crashes at the end of there life. At the same time your psu uses tier 6 components, really bad for gaming. Anything over tier 3 is prone to doped...
  15. J

    BSOD, Freezing, Screen Flickers / Flashing

    Sorry Looks like bad ram, or bad ram slot. I know you said you ran a check. Maybe try pulling out one stick at a time and see if it is stable.
  16. J

    BSOD, google chrome and ram issues. Almost unusable PC

    Have you tried reinstalling your OS?
  17. J

    GPU upgrade gtx 670 to 1050 ti

    The gtx 670 sits between the 1050 and 1050ti. Though the 1050s are more optimized for dx12. Still not much of an upgrade. The RX 470 would give you more performance for about the same price.
  18. J

    PC crashing - your opinion?

    I would check the PSU first, sounds like an oscillation in the 12 volt rail under full load. If not that, try swapping out your gpu, the Rx 390 pulls a lot of amps to run and may be causing a back feed to the PSU. After that it's anyone's game, the 3.3 and 5.0 volt rails hardly ever go bad but...
  19. J

    Help for gaming pc config

    So Your fx 4100 is a very week cpu, bulldozer core CPUs have always had issues with gaming. And your gpu is an old mid range gpu, the last time Nvidia actively worked on it's driver was mid 2015. In your price range I would focus on the CPU first. The g4560 would give you a nice boost but you...
  20. J

    Is 150 mbps good for gaming?

    150 mbs is fine for gaming. But the real question is will you get 150mbs. When gaming on a wireless network you need to keep in mind the ping rate, network saturation, and signal loss through obstacles. For example I have an internet package of 150 mbs, and a 600 mbs wifi card in my PC connected...
  21. J

    Best Graphics card

    With that CPU I would lean towards a 1050ti. Even a Rx 560 or gtx 1050 would be a huge step up from the hd5450
  22. J

    PC Crashes In Games & Graphics Artifacts, GPU Temps Seem Normal

    I had that problem with my old PNY hd7950. It appears it was caused by heat damage on the card. Unfortunately I didn't catch it in time and had to replace it. I found The Gray lines on my screen would crash with gpu frequency, not temp. I got mine stable for a little wile by underclocking it...
  23. J

    Want to know if My build is for Casual gaming

    Any Ryzen would be miles ahead of the g4560. But until we get the benchmarks we won't know if they are a better deal. That being said both the a Intel 1151 motherboard, or amd AM4 motherboard will leave you with some good upgrade options down the road. Being the GPU has a greater impact on...
  24. J

    Want to know if My build is for Casual gaming

    According to the online benchmarks the g4560 gets about 4 fps less then a i3 6100. And about 10 fps less the the i5 6500. So you will be getting around 50 fps on games like Witcher 3 and tomb raider. That being said it is a very week CPU, so CPU dependent games like ashes of singularity will...
  25. J

    Is gtx compatible with my motherboard?

    Your motherboard should have no problems with that card. It could be your BIOS settings trying to push your igpu. Could you post your full system specs?
  26. J

    Boinking noise HDD/PSU

    you are on the right track, pulling one component at a time. though i dose sound like the problem may be with both the hdd and the psu. clicking, thumping and "boinking" sounds usually come from a failing hdd. where a high pitch wines are more common in a failing PSU.
  27. J

    My computer randomly crashes to a rainbow'ish screen, unresponsive

    Sounds like either a gpu or psu problem... Have you tried taking out the r7 240 and running on the apu alone? And what drivers are you on?
  28. J

    Best GPU for my 300w DELL PSU?

    I would argue that is you can only afford one quality component in your system, make it your psu. Lighton psus are built cheap and not meant to last. A quality seasonic or corsair can be had for under 40 USD. Even an EVGA, xfx, thermaltake, and most Roswells, would be way more stable. My...
  29. J

    Why is my computer shutting down on me?

    First I would try a fresh OS install. after that test the HDD, and ram. You may want to check your psu load amps, it's a great psu, but then again you have a very demanding build.
  30. J

    My computer randomly crashes to a rainbow'ish screen, unresponsive

    Can you post you system specs and brands
  31. J

    My computer restarts when I'm in the middle of playing a game?

    If your system isn't getting stable volts and amps under load, your system should hard reset itself to prevent hardware damage. There are other parts that can cause unstable voltage, but 9 out of 10 times it's the psu.
  32. J

    Pc doesn't power on after building it

    I would pull everything out and put it back in. It could be as simple as a part not set right. Double check your cpu/motherboard for bent pins, and check your psu plugs, sometimes the pins get pushed back just enough to not make contact.
  33. J

    My computer restarts when I'm in the middle of playing a game?

    I would definitely change that psu, even if it's not the problem, turbolink psus are known for dangerously poor quality.
  34. J

    Is this revised pc build good?

    I would get one 8gb ram instead of 2 4gb, that way when you upgrade you are not just throwing away a chip. The cpu cooler is also a little overkill for the 6400, but that's just preference.
  35. J

    Two gtx 1050 or one gtx 1060

    Two 1050 ti would be faster, in games that support SLI, but less stable and more expensive. I always recommend one faster card over 2 slower cards
  36. J

    Installing graphics card and power supply

    It's is always a good idea to upgrade the psu first, or you risk damaging the system.
  37. J

    Huge fps drop mid game.

    OK well CSGO is a cpu intensive game, and both CODs are very gpu intensive. Though Right now COD IW Is full of bugs, even when I tried in on the Xbox I was seeing frame drops. If you check on the steam reviews you will see you are not alone with this problem. You could try the fan patch at...
  38. J

    Huge fps drop mid game.

    We will need more information. Could you post your systems specs. And does it drop randomly in game, or does it happen in a at predictable points?
  39. J

    Broken graphics card?

    Could you post your hardware? And can you log in safe mode?