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  1. jsmithepa

    Review Monoprice Dark Matter Hyper-K Wireless Review: $69 Is Too Much

    If you have trypophobia, u should refrain from reviewing anything with a honeycomb. Then further down u recommended the Glorious Gaming Model O wireless which is another honeycomb, and just as expensive as the Hyper-K. Ur all over the place Mister.
  2. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Internet down for days at a time, short windows od reconnection

    Sometimes, with outages like that, you may have to RESET everything, there maybe a box you forgot to reset, and sometimes, you may even have to reset things in a certain order. For example, when outage occur at my place, the modem takes a long time to reboot, while my firewall behind it just...
  3. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Smart TV causing ping spikes?

    Is very simple. Your way to the Internet is a limited bandwidth highway, and you are sharing the road with other people in the house, the more people on the road, the more overall speed drops and some braking maybe required. That's the gist of it. If you want further details you should post...
  4. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Windows connects, but Apple products do not.

    OK this is very simple. You ask PC/Apple devices what are their IP configurations, and they should be identical, that is: IP: On the same SUBNET, I hope u know your IP. DHCP/Dynamic: Enabled. DNS: IP of the Router box. GATEWAY: IP of the Router box. Those are the parameters to tell the...
  5. jsmithepa

    Question Home Network Suggestions

    Very good luck for you the place is already wired. 50/60 WIFI speed for a 250 service is low, are the access points latest 801.11ac?
  6. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Windows connects, but Apple products do not.

    Makes no sense whatsoever. ISP doesn't, CAN'T discriminate PC/Apple devices. So all of these are WIFI connected then? everybody used to work just fine and all of a sudden you say... and that's after they upgraded you to 50 you say... was the WIFI base station box (router) changed out? Your...
  7. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Wireless to ethernet stopped working "Ethernet Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration"

    So you configured this thing and don't remember how u did it? Is called Windows Internet Sharing.
  8. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Routing and how it works? (Me vs ISP)

    Here in the U.S, by law ISPs give 30 days trial period in which we can cancel, contract or not. Trash them over any forum u can get your keyboards on, has a section on ISP. Vendors only pay attention when there are lots of negative press.
  9. jsmithepa

    Question Trouble with home Networking?

  10. jsmithepa

    Question PC Not Connecting to Internet

    As with all dorms queries, only the your dorm IT people have the answer, because there is no standard, every school do their own thing and policy and methods. Out here in the real world, nobody user "splitters" but ethernet switches, so who knows. The message suggests PC asked to lease an IP...
  11. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Ethernet to wireless issues

    Fine u upgraded your plan and your client's adapter, whatever did you do if any to the WIFI base station? that may need upgraded also, basically as mentioned, everything in the CHAIN.
  12. jsmithepa

    Question Audio Setup With Projector

    If u want something better than BT, then the next step is to get an HDMI audio extractor and pipe the auto to an HDMI compatible speakers set.
  13. jsmithepa

    Question Harddrive wakeup time

    Unsure how sleeping it makes it safer?
  14. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Issue relating to the “wiring in my house is too old” for 50 mbps speeds?

    @20mbit, he's probably referring to your phone wiring, which is DSL service. Just use a cable ISP for faster speed.
  15. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Routing and how it works? (Me vs ISP)

    Do you have a choice of picking a different game server? Sometimes geographically close server doesn't mean it's most efficient.
  16. jsmithepa

    Question CRT shaky picture

    If u have to ask, there is nothing you can do. There are 15-18 THOUSAND volts inside a CRT that will kill you. Ya, this is beyond a software update.
  17. jsmithepa

    Question Sony 65" 4K TV has small bend in the bottom frame (is this a big deal ?)

    Unless this item is sold and/or fulfilled by Amazon, a third party vendor may have a fine print "some cosmetic wear should be expected of refurbished items..." in which case the decision may had been made for you. But of course to me, that bent is beyond cosmetic.
  18. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Negative drawbacks to putting external USB sata drive from case into my tower?

    As mentioned, typically 1 year warranty for the USB, and 2 years for the BARED. Otherwise is fine, I did that once, the USB variety was actually cheaper and at that time I needed a USB backup anyway, later on, cracked that sucker open and put it in my new PC SATA. One surprise though, that USB...
  19. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] I want to transfer my 2.5 inch hdd from my laptop to my pc.

    Empty drive=data drive, add at will. There are 2.5 to 3.5 caddy.
  20. jsmithepa

    Question Sony 65" 4K TV has small bend in the bottom frame (is this a big deal ?)

    Up to you, but that would bother me immensely.
  21. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Weird sound from PC, is it normal?

    Like utensils rubbing each other? Only fans and HD make noise, and that sound like the HD. HD will fail, is just matter of when, so as long as your s.m.a.r.t. monitor says OK, u maintaining backups for your critical data, and HD don't suddenly go 100% usage (busy) constantly... don't worry...
  22. jsmithepa

    Question Is it safe to buy a used motherboard

    Mobos are sturdier than they look. If that's what you want, seller has good Ebay rating, like the price, go for it.
  23. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] PC priority in a network

    Ethernet "seems" to get priority because it got a BIG PIPE comparing to WIFI, unless you have some sort of QOS setup you completely forgot. Then u threw in VPN. VPN (encryption) imposes overhead, so maybe that's what you are seeing.
  24. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Huge erratic ping spikes (1000-2000ms) lasting for extended periods of time (anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes), anybody have any advice?

    Well God bless u have done enough troubleshooting to point the problem to ISP, nothing with you. U can download a tool from to collect this data and present it to the ISP so they know you are serious and not a once-off occurrence.
  25. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Free WiFi

    All u can do is to move around to avoid the bad spots.
  26. jsmithepa

    Question What is wrong with my speaker connection? (Only one speaker playing audio if not plugged in a specific way)

    First suspect cable/plug, then jack with dust ball. Very easy to troubleshoot if you have another speaker, another player u can plug speaker into.
  27. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] how does cable length (cat 6,7,8 or whatever) affect speed and delay?

    Even shorter answer: You are overthinking it. Wire with UTP CAT6a. Good for 10 gbit when you are ready to upgrade. Done.
  28. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] WAN Connection is using the Ethernet wall jack, can't use in-wall LAN

    As usual, IT DEPENDS. Login to your router and ask WHAT IS THE WAN IP? if it starts with 10 or 172 or 192, is CASE1, otherwise CASE2. If WAN has no IP or blank and WAN port not used then CASE3. CASE1: All you have to do is to insert an Ethernet switch in the basement, and hookup all your...
  29. jsmithepa

    Question WINDOWS 7 pc from MAC

    I've been having problem myself, and even when connected, the videos resolution don't translate well for a good viewing experience. Seems like something Apple just thew in there just to say, hey you can desktop to Windows. If I need to do this again, probably look for a third party solution.
  30. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Switching to IPv6?

    Your ISP may not be doing IPV6 just yet. Anywhoo, don't bother with it.
  31. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Network Problem

    A network goal is to SHARE, not to be hidden. Like ^he says, you don't have to allow access but to have a croaked shield? that will take some hack.
  32. jsmithepa

    Question odd internet speed issue

    Make sure your browsers are not using a proxy. Your DNS servers should be managed by your NAT device and for consistency reason not individually set at each PC. So all these I assume hard-wired, no WIFI. None of these work, you are advised to reset your router to factory and re-configure.
  33. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Setting up second router as Access Point (I think)

    To avoid overlap, u can move routers further apart if possible, or some routers let you tweak the signal strength. Personally don't know anything about mesh, just going by long time member's preference here sounds like lots money, little benefit.
  34. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Can connect to wifi but internet doesn't work

    Glad is working for u but I suspect this thread won't help anybody browsing this, much. Can't really follow.
  35. jsmithepa

    Question stereo track ruined multiple speakers?

    What about the simple radio? Did u change something? wirings? Is this a new install? Something may had come loose.
  36. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] Computers on 1 of the unmanaged switch can't print to wireless printer

    The above says you have 2 subnets, assuming correct mask of, and as ^he says, you should NOT have 2 subnets. And I agree, reset to factory and start scratch. That's 2 do it, so execute.
  37. jsmithepa

    [SOLVED] What should I know about setting up WiFi in University Residence?

    Nope. There is no Association of Colleges Internet Access standard. Everybody do their own things, their own rules.
  38. jsmithepa

    Question stereo track ruined multiple speakers?

    What sound you played should had no affected the hardware unless you played them so loud and distorted u blew out a driver. What happens when u play commercial sounds, not recorded by you?
  39. jsmithepa

    Question Can user reviews really be trusted?

    Users' reviews tend to be biased and talk about specifically the stuff that bothered them, but they can be valuable as they are real life experiences. The so called "Pro" reviews these days I don't think go into any details, did they REALLY TESTED 10 PSU on the bench? where are the graphs? and...