Question Connecting Alienware X51 LEDs to a 3-pin 5v RGB hub ?


Jan 23, 2019
Hi, I'm attempting to modify an Alienware X51 case with a Gigabyte B450i motherboard, and HDPLEX PSU. I've kept the original front panel board where the side panel and alien head LEDs connect to and jumped 5v power from an open USB header on the motherboard. Everything is connected and the board has power - the power button works and the front panel audio jacks work too. I've been having a couple of strange issues with this though - when the front USB3 connector is plugged into the motherboard, I get no side LEDs or alien head lighting up, but the power button LED lights up. When it's unplugged, the side lights and alien head light up but they're on white and impossible to control through software, as the controller is not picked up by AWCC when trying to install any version.

I saw a previous thread on here ( about wiring the LEDs to a motherboard header to control them without having to use the Alienware controller which is obviously having issues recognising which lights are which, but the difference for me is I do have a 3-pin 5v DLED header on my motherboard, but the wonderful proprietary Dell LED connector is a 5-pin, detailed in the thread above. There's a blue, green, red, DET and voltage wire. I understand this can run without the DET wire connected, connecting to a 4-pin header but how, if at all, could I wire this into a 3-pin header on an RGB hub? The DLED header has a 5v pin, a data pin and a ground pin.
Is there any way which this is compatible?