Assassin's Creed always had a great story when single player is considered. But The multiplayer side of it is a bit unfrequented topic. But simply talking it's something really great. And I trust that every single one of you should try it.
By the way You might think, " Why is this guy reviewing a 2 year old multiplayer game? Why not Assassin's Creed Unity? ". The answer is, Assassin's Creed Unity is considered as a failed game ( for some reason), I believe Missing the competitive multiplayer is a main reason for the above mentioned failure. Anyway we will talk about the infamous Assassin's Creed Multiplayer.
Assassin's Creed Multiplayer started from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. It was something really new, So almost every gamer liked it. And then all the other AC titles carried a good multiplayer layer. So today we would be talking about the 4th AC multiplayer game. Anyway here are two screen shots from AC multiplayer to make this a bit more interesting.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer
Assassin's Creed III Multiplayer ( My Personal Favorite )
Assassin's Creed IV Black flag Multiplayer
1. Characters
Assassin's Creed Multiplayer has a very nice way of choosing multiplayer characters.The multiplayer characters are your assassination targets in the single player campaign (Well 90% times). Each AC title features new set of characters. The picture down below was found on the internet and it shows the whole set of characters (except DLC characters). These characters DOES NOT have their own unique abilities they only differ from their external appearance.
Here are the name, From the up left to the right
Cutthroat , Buccaneer , Dandy , Rebel , Adventurer, Puppeteer , Night Stalker , Wayfarer
From the Down left to right,
Duelist , Firebrand, Huntsman , Doctor , Lady Black , Navigator , again Firebrand , Mercenary
There are few other DLC characters and I will skip talking about them. Among those DLC characters there is Blackbeard, The infamous pirate.
2. Entering The World Of Multiplayer
AC Multiplayer is all about KILL and STUN. You can kill your target and stun your pursuers. As simple as that.
Little Bit About The Interface
Free For All Mods
Deathmatch - Find and kill your Target. No Compass. But you still have the portrait.
Assassinate - No Compass. No portrait. Find and kill your target.
Wanted - Compass + Portrait. Find and kill your target.
Here you see the basic interface of AC4. We play as the modified Firebrand. We'll talk about the character modification in a minute. At the down right, its a portrait of our target. It will get blue in the edges when the target is in our line of sight. At the down left it's our abilities. We can use them to fool our enemies (Will talk about them). At the top it's our Position and marks/points and sometimes pursuers.
Team Modes
Manhunt - Kill the opponent team.
Domination - Capture and hold the domination of territories.
Artifact Assault - Capture a higher number of flags than the other team.
Here is the Team Mode interface. It's not very different from the FFA interface. The difference is you have to score as a team. Although in the end you'll see your own marks.
Game Lab - This is a new feature in AC4. You can modify all of the mods with this handy little tool.
3. Abilities And Techniques
Here I'll talk about Few Fundamental abilities which will help you in getting the best score possible. These abilities are really useful when approaching to our target. Above it's the crafting page. It will expand the ability of an ability.
Disguise - Changes your external appearance. So your target/pursuer can't identify you from the look.
Decoy - Makes a full copy of your appearance. So your pursuer/target would be confused and kill the the fake one. So you can stun the pursuer or kill the target.
Knives- It will slow down your target/pursuer. Very useful in knife stuns.
Smoke Bomb, Tripwire Bomb, Time phase - These stuff generally stop your targets actions. You can do nothing when you become a victim of one of these.
There are tons of abilities by start you career with these ones. It will help you so much. You'll get an idea about every other ability with these basic ones.
Parameters and Techniques
Approach Meter -This is the only and the important parameter you should care about. Make sure you keep it high to have good number of points.
Focus - When you in the kill range you get this, and wait until it fills to make the kill.
Raninstormwake is a master AC multiplayer I found on the internet. Make sure to check this video made by him.
When you complete sessions. You get points and marks. So we can buy stuff.
4. Modifying Our Favorite Character
You can customize every single character. Because in every session You can't have the same character. Here's the character customizing screen.
You can edit the characters looks, weapons, taunt moves, Scars. That's something really about AC multiplayer. Make sure to have your own identity in AC multiplayer So here in this picture we edit the Puppeteer. Just like that you can edit others and their signature weapons and moves.
5.Clans And Wolfpack
When you are in the social world of AC. You can join clans. Where you will meet other AC players. Join them. Fight other clans . move up the leader boards. In manhunt there's a big prestige when you play as a glorious clan. When You Join a clan your gamertag would look like [CLAN_NAME]GAMERTAG.
Wolfpack is the co-operative mod in AC4 multiplayer. This sessions would take up to 15-20 minutes for a complete ending. It has 25 levels. And you have to work as a group. And the most important thing is this is the best way to earn a maximum number of XP. But when you play it again and again it becomes a bit boring. At that moment join a FFA mode LOL. And wolfpack is the sole inspiration to the Assassin's Creed Unity Co-op missions.
6. Little Bit On The Tech
When playing Assassin's Creed Multiplayer Make sure you have a good NAT type. Or otherwise you'll get kicked out from sessions frequently. For a good multiplayer experience make sure,
- You have a router and your computer has a static ip. Static ip would be needed in port forwarding. These are the ports you should open,
For More, https://support.ubi.com/en-US/FAQ/9/4186/assassins-creed-iv-launcher--multiplayer-connection-issues/kA030000000eayPCAQ
- Your connection is a wired connection.
- Close any other programs that might interfere the multiplayer connectivity.
- Make sure You have a decent NIC (Network Interface Card) for online gaming.
Thanks for reading this little piece of article and I think that you picked something useful from this. In Assassin's Creed 4 black flag multiplayer, Just find your own ways of playing. Dominate the gaming community. And yeah that's pretty much it. I was confused at the first time I played Assassin's Creed MP. I just walked a bit in the world and in few seconds some one killed me. You can ignore that confusion from reading this. And again thanks you for reading. And I'll end by asking you to watch this TheGamingLemon Video.
And again Thank you have a pleasant day TomsHardWare !
By the way You might think, " Why is this guy reviewing a 2 year old multiplayer game? Why not Assassin's Creed Unity? ". The answer is, Assassin's Creed Unity is considered as a failed game ( for some reason), I believe Missing the competitive multiplayer is a main reason for the above mentioned failure. Anyway we will talk about the infamous Assassin's Creed Multiplayer.
Assassin's Creed Multiplayer started from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. It was something really new, So almost every gamer liked it. And then all the other AC titles carried a good multiplayer layer. So today we would be talking about the 4th AC multiplayer game. Anyway here are two screen shots from AC multiplayer to make this a bit more interesting.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer

Assassin's Creed III Multiplayer ( My Personal Favorite )

Assassin's Creed IV Black flag Multiplayer

1. Characters
Assassin's Creed Multiplayer has a very nice way of choosing multiplayer characters.The multiplayer characters are your assassination targets in the single player campaign (Well 90% times). Each AC title features new set of characters. The picture down below was found on the internet and it shows the whole set of characters (except DLC characters). These characters DOES NOT have their own unique abilities they only differ from their external appearance.

Here are the name, From the up left to the right
Cutthroat , Buccaneer , Dandy , Rebel , Adventurer, Puppeteer , Night Stalker , Wayfarer
From the Down left to right,
Duelist , Firebrand, Huntsman , Doctor , Lady Black , Navigator , again Firebrand , Mercenary
There are few other DLC characters and I will skip talking about them. Among those DLC characters there is Blackbeard, The infamous pirate.
2. Entering The World Of Multiplayer

AC Multiplayer is all about KILL and STUN. You can kill your target and stun your pursuers. As simple as that.
Little Bit About The Interface
Free For All Mods
Deathmatch - Find and kill your Target. No Compass. But you still have the portrait.
Assassinate - No Compass. No portrait. Find and kill your target.
Wanted - Compass + Portrait. Find and kill your target.

Here you see the basic interface of AC4. We play as the modified Firebrand. We'll talk about the character modification in a minute. At the down right, its a portrait of our target. It will get blue in the edges when the target is in our line of sight. At the down left it's our abilities. We can use them to fool our enemies (Will talk about them). At the top it's our Position and marks/points and sometimes pursuers.
Team Modes
Manhunt - Kill the opponent team.
Domination - Capture and hold the domination of territories.
Artifact Assault - Capture a higher number of flags than the other team.
Here is the Team Mode interface. It's not very different from the FFA interface. The difference is you have to score as a team. Although in the end you'll see your own marks.

Game Lab - This is a new feature in AC4. You can modify all of the mods with this handy little tool.
3. Abilities And Techniques

Here I'll talk about Few Fundamental abilities which will help you in getting the best score possible. These abilities are really useful when approaching to our target. Above it's the crafting page. It will expand the ability of an ability.
Disguise - Changes your external appearance. So your target/pursuer can't identify you from the look.
Decoy - Makes a full copy of your appearance. So your pursuer/target would be confused and kill the the fake one. So you can stun the pursuer or kill the target.
Knives- It will slow down your target/pursuer. Very useful in knife stuns.
Smoke Bomb, Tripwire Bomb, Time phase - These stuff generally stop your targets actions. You can do nothing when you become a victim of one of these.
There are tons of abilities by start you career with these ones. It will help you so much. You'll get an idea about every other ability with these basic ones.
Parameters and Techniques
Approach Meter -This is the only and the important parameter you should care about. Make sure you keep it high to have good number of points.
Focus - When you in the kill range you get this, and wait until it fills to make the kill.
Raninstormwake is a master AC multiplayer I found on the internet. Make sure to check this video made by him.
When you complete sessions. You get points and marks. So we can buy stuff.
4. Modifying Our Favorite Character
You can customize every single character. Because in every session You can't have the same character. Here's the character customizing screen.

You can edit the characters looks, weapons, taunt moves, Scars. That's something really about AC multiplayer. Make sure to have your own identity in AC multiplayer So here in this picture we edit the Puppeteer. Just like that you can edit others and their signature weapons and moves.
5.Clans And Wolfpack
When you are in the social world of AC. You can join clans. Where you will meet other AC players. Join them. Fight other clans . move up the leader boards. In manhunt there's a big prestige when you play as a glorious clan. When You Join a clan your gamertag would look like [CLAN_NAME]GAMERTAG.

Wolfpack is the co-operative mod in AC4 multiplayer. This sessions would take up to 15-20 minutes for a complete ending. It has 25 levels. And you have to work as a group. And the most important thing is this is the best way to earn a maximum number of XP. But when you play it again and again it becomes a bit boring. At that moment join a FFA mode LOL. And wolfpack is the sole inspiration to the Assassin's Creed Unity Co-op missions.

6. Little Bit On The Tech
When playing Assassin's Creed Multiplayer Make sure you have a good NAT type. Or otherwise you'll get kicked out from sessions frequently. For a good multiplayer experience make sure,
- You have a router and your computer has a static ip. Static ip would be needed in port forwarding. These are the ports you should open,
For More, https://support.ubi.com/en-US/FAQ/9/4186/assassins-creed-iv-launcher--multiplayer-connection-issues/kA030000000eayPCAQ
- Your connection is a wired connection.
- Close any other programs that might interfere the multiplayer connectivity.
- Make sure You have a decent NIC (Network Interface Card) for online gaming.
Thanks for reading this little piece of article and I think that you picked something useful from this. In Assassin's Creed 4 black flag multiplayer, Just find your own ways of playing. Dominate the gaming community. And yeah that's pretty much it. I was confused at the first time I played Assassin's Creed MP. I just walked a bit in the world and in few seconds some one killed me. You can ignore that confusion from reading this. And again thanks you for reading. And I'll end by asking you to watch this TheGamingLemon Video.
And again Thank you have a pleasant day TomsHardWare !