So you wanted to check what’s new on Facebook, see if there are new messages for you or some interesting things on your feed. You open the page but get this strange error which says that the certificate is not valid (the error message differs from browser to browser).
Fortunately, this annoying error has an easy fix. The error is usually the result of an incorrect time and date on your computer system so, you’ll need to put the correct time and date. It’s quick and easy and here’s how you do that.
■ Click on the Time and Date on the task bar, in the bottom-right corner of your screen (the default position).

■ A window will appear. Click on the Change date and time settings.

■ In the small window that appeared, click on Data and Time tab if it’s not already clicked, and click on the Change date and time button.

■ In the displayed window, to change time, click on the small bar where the displayed time is, and manually enter the current time (or you can use the small up-down arrows).

■ In the same window, to change the date, click on the currently displayed month in the middle of the date section or on the small left-right arrows.

■ To change the day, just click on the displayed numbers.

■ To quickly change the year, click on the displayed month mentioned in the 5th step and the window will change into months and year, instead of day and month. Then you can click on the year and the window will display years by the number of ten.

■ Anyway, choose the correct year and when you’re done with all the changes, click the OK button and you are all done.

■ There you go, the error should be gone now and you can continue using Facebook as normal.