One of the giant weapons in Fortnite Battle Royale is indeed the Minigun. But due to its low damage, it is often overlooked. And it is true up to some extent but it can be beneficial for a player if used in a proper way.
Check out the tips mentioned below to get the most out of this beast:
Only Use for Low to Medium Range:
The Minigun has a pretty bad bloom that makes its bullets spread in different directions rather than hitting the target. This is the primary reason for not using it for long ranges and also avoiding it for medium-long ranges. Try to use it for the low or low-medium range to get the shots on or near your target. This way, you will be able to not only get a clear shot, but you will also create havoc upon your enemies and instead of engaging with you, they will find running away better.
Take a Good Position First:
The drawback of using the Minigun is that you are widely exposed while using it as you cannot take shots behind the trees or buildings like with smaller weapons, you need to come forward. Also, your speed of movement reduces to even slower than crawling. So due to these reasons, it is best that you first select a position where you can quickly get to a cover if you are being fired at in return. It will also save you from getting attacked by surprise as you will not be much exposed if you are near cover.
Use it for Destruction:
The best use of a minigun is to cause destruction. Instead of using it to kill enemies, use this beast to cause destruction of forts and other structures. The gun does not do much damage but its rapid fire rate can easily destroy structures and also make it much harder for opponents to panic build their way out of the hostile situations. So try to use it when you need to destroy buildings rather than killing enemies.
Gather as Much Ammo as Possible:
The best thing about the minigun is that it does not reload. It will fire all the bullets in one clip. This is a great way to create chaotic situations and defend yourself if you are being fired at from every direction. So what you should do is gather as much ammo for minigun as you can before you use it. This way you will be able to shoot longer and your opponents will not get a chance to counter-attack. Just make sure not to stop when you start shooting as it takes a few seconds for minigun to start again shooting if you stop it. Also, it does not overheat so you can shoot for as long as you have the ammo.
The minigun is simply a great weapon if you use it properly. Just follow all the instructions given above and you will be able to use this bad boy more effectively.

Check out the tips mentioned below to get the most out of this beast:
Only Use for Low to Medium Range:
The Minigun has a pretty bad bloom that makes its bullets spread in different directions rather than hitting the target. This is the primary reason for not using it for long ranges and also avoiding it for medium-long ranges. Try to use it for the low or low-medium range to get the shots on or near your target. This way, you will be able to not only get a clear shot, but you will also create havoc upon your enemies and instead of engaging with you, they will find running away better.

Take a Good Position First:
The drawback of using the Minigun is that you are widely exposed while using it as you cannot take shots behind the trees or buildings like with smaller weapons, you need to come forward. Also, your speed of movement reduces to even slower than crawling. So due to these reasons, it is best that you first select a position where you can quickly get to a cover if you are being fired at in return. It will also save you from getting attacked by surprise as you will not be much exposed if you are near cover.

Use it for Destruction:
The best use of a minigun is to cause destruction. Instead of using it to kill enemies, use this beast to cause destruction of forts and other structures. The gun does not do much damage but its rapid fire rate can easily destroy structures and also make it much harder for opponents to panic build their way out of the hostile situations. So try to use it when you need to destroy buildings rather than killing enemies.

Gather as Much Ammo as Possible:
The best thing about the minigun is that it does not reload. It will fire all the bullets in one clip. This is a great way to create chaotic situations and defend yourself if you are being fired at from every direction. So what you should do is gather as much ammo for minigun as you can before you use it. This way you will be able to shoot longer and your opponents will not get a chance to counter-attack. Just make sure not to stop when you start shooting as it takes a few seconds for minigun to start again shooting if you stop it. Also, it does not overheat so you can shoot for as long as you have the ammo.

The minigun is simply a great weapon if you use it properly. Just follow all the instructions given above and you will be able to use this bad boy more effectively.