How to Beat Champion Gundyr in Dark Souls 3


May 23, 2016
This is an optional boss that you can find in the 'Untended Graves' area of the game, which is all completely optional. He is almost the same boss as ludex Gundyr, which was the first boss you ever ran into way back at the start of the game with the sword in his chest.

Step 1)Get him to half health to start stage 2.
The first half of this fight should feel very much like deja vu, since there is really no difference between him and his original that you fought a long way back. Once again, just avoid his grabs and roll behind him when he does his combos and you should be able to get a few strikes in. You beat this guy when you weren't geared or leveled up, his first stage should be a cake walk for you now!


Step 2)Bring a shield that blocks 100% physical damage.
All of his attacks will still be doing just physical damage, so if you have a good shield, and by now you definitely should, you can block everything he swings at you other than his grab. Just block his combo and then strike, and roll back if you see him about to grab you with his left hand.


Step 3)Bring him down in stage 2.
Stage two is different from the last time you fought him, in that he doesn't morph into some corrupted dark soul abomination. Instead, his eyes will glow red and he will start attacking you faster and with less gaps between his attacks to give you less chances to strike back. Just be patient and wear him down, don't get greedy.


All in all, he isn't much harder than when you fought him originally, and should be a fairly easy kill.