Printers are often the heart of every home and office setup in this modern age. For everything that connects to our system's, there is a need for drivers for that particular device in order for the OS to recognize and communicate with the device and vice versa such that the component/hardware is functioning optimally. This tutorial will help you install drivers necessary for your HP LaserJet printer.
You should now gain access to your LaserJet printer with a host of features.
- ■Open your web browser and type into the address bar.
■In the Enter my HP model number section please add your model number. For this example we're using an HP LaserJet Printer with model number LaserJet Pro P1102w

■The "Find my product" button will now be lit up blue and is a sign that you can proceed. Click on it.

■In the new window you will be greeted with a pre-selected OS and a list of all the available support for your printer.

If the OS is not to your designation then you may change it by clicking on the change link

and choose the appropriate OS from the drop down menu's before clicking on Change.

■Once OS has been verified and chosen, you should scroll down to Driver-Product Installation Software and click on it to bring out a sub menu of all the available driver revisions. It's advised to choose the latest there is.

■Click on Download on the right hand corner and save the file to a destination of your choosing.

■A new window will pop up prompting for one of two options, it's a good idea to choose Download only.

If you're downloading multiple files from HP's support site and do not wish to be bothered by the recurring message, you can choose Do not show this message again box at the bottom.
■Click on Next.

■After download is complete, run the executable in an elevated command, i.e; Right click installer>Run as Administrator.

■Allow the installer to extract it's payload, wait for a new installation window and click on USB install or wireless install depending on how you're hooked up to the LaserJet.

■Click on Install printer drivers on the top hand menu.

Do note: For added measure on verifying your printer is setup correctly, click on the animated setup instructions by clicking on Begin Setup.

■Close the installation menu once setup has finished.

You should now gain access to your LaserJet printer with a host of features.