So the reason why I decided to do this was because I recently had an issue with my mouse that happened one day while playing a FPS game. I had my reload macrod to the B5 button on the mouse which is the button on the side of the mouse that is the furthest back, anyways I was playing and when I went to push the button to reload I heard a click and then a snap, here the button had completely had snapped off. Now I was pretty mad because I really liked my mouse, I have been using it for over 3 years now with no issues. Now razer offers a 2 year warranty on their mice, 3 years is clearly past the warranty period, so I had some free time so I figured that I would take the mouse apart and figure out if there was anything that I could do to fix it.
Now taking the mouse apart is fairly simple, First lets unplug the mouse, and flip it belly up to remove the screws.
Now for taking every apart on the inside of the mouse
Just do as shown and you should be down to the bottom and top PCB board.
Now for the actual button fix itself.
I didn't really feel like going through the trouble of taking apart my mouse again because I just don't have the time but Refer to this image to see the part of the mouse that causes the issue.
Now each mouse will be different, so youtube probably would be your best bet for learning how to take everything apart properly vs me telling you how. Taking the arm off with the two buttons shown in the image below is fairly simple, for my model, you should see where the arm starts and ends, you should see a little piece of plastic that looks almost like a clip. bend that back slightly but not to hard while pushing up on the arm to take it off. Your mouse and model may vary. But once you get that off you should have the arm with the one button still attached and the other button broken off. The arm looks like this, The red arrow shows the arm, and the green shows where we will be reattaching it.
Now where you see the green arrow depending on which one is broken off, you should see that the arm for that button is completely broken off from the other. Not in this picture though, this is just a picture that I found that showed the arm. Now the first thing that you want to do is use something like electrical tape, and wrap it right next to where you see the little hole where the post would go, only wrap the tape around once. Now the reason for this is so we create a little bit of space between the two arms so the next part of the fix doesn't interfere at all. Next take the arm that is broken of, and then either hot glue, or super glue it back together. You will want to use a very small amount of hot glue so that it doesn't interfere with anything when you go to attach it to the mouse again. For those of you who use super glue, apply a fair amount of super glue onto the end where the mouse arm is broken off, and then hold it into place for the recommend amount of time suggested on the bottle or tube of your glue. Now after you do that tightly tape it around both arms at the base two times. Now you should have a fully functional button again. I won't go over the reassembly process, but if you have problems with it reefer over to youtube with your mouse model.
I would also like to mention that this would be a great time to clean your mouse with some canned air, or compressed air and some isopropyl alcohol. Clean the PCB, switches, and all of the other parts of your mouse using these.
If you have any problems with any of this just contact me, and I will try my best to help you out.
Please note that I am not responsible for any damage that you cause to your mouse while trying to fix your mouse. No Y U MAKE ME BREAK MY MOUSE BRO???
Now taking the mouse apart is fairly simple, First lets unplug the mouse, and flip it belly up to remove the screws.
Now for taking every apart on the inside of the mouse
Just do as shown and you should be down to the bottom and top PCB board.
Now for the actual button fix itself.
I didn't really feel like going through the trouble of taking apart my mouse again because I just don't have the time but Refer to this image to see the part of the mouse that causes the issue.
Now each mouse will be different, so youtube probably would be your best bet for learning how to take everything apart properly vs me telling you how. Taking the arm off with the two buttons shown in the image below is fairly simple, for my model, you should see where the arm starts and ends, you should see a little piece of plastic that looks almost like a clip. bend that back slightly but not to hard while pushing up on the arm to take it off. Your mouse and model may vary. But once you get that off you should have the arm with the one button still attached and the other button broken off. The arm looks like this, The red arrow shows the arm, and the green shows where we will be reattaching it.
Now where you see the green arrow depending on which one is broken off, you should see that the arm for that button is completely broken off from the other. Not in this picture though, this is just a picture that I found that showed the arm. Now the first thing that you want to do is use something like electrical tape, and wrap it right next to where you see the little hole where the post would go, only wrap the tape around once. Now the reason for this is so we create a little bit of space between the two arms so the next part of the fix doesn't interfere at all. Next take the arm that is broken of, and then either hot glue, or super glue it back together. You will want to use a very small amount of hot glue so that it doesn't interfere with anything when you go to attach it to the mouse again. For those of you who use super glue, apply a fair amount of super glue onto the end where the mouse arm is broken off, and then hold it into place for the recommend amount of time suggested on the bottle or tube of your glue. Now after you do that tightly tape it around both arms at the base two times. Now you should have a fully functional button again. I won't go over the reassembly process, but if you have problems with it reefer over to youtube with your mouse model.
I would also like to mention that this would be a great time to clean your mouse with some canned air, or compressed air and some isopropyl alcohol. Clean the PCB, switches, and all of the other parts of your mouse using these.
If you have any problems with any of this just contact me, and I will try my best to help you out.
Please note that I am not responsible for any damage that you cause to your mouse while trying to fix your mouse. No Y U MAKE ME BREAK MY MOUSE BRO???