If your Oculus Rift doesn’t fit right and you don’t know how to adjust it then this is the tutorial for you. IT will help you solve the roblem you have with adjusting the fit for your Oculus Rift headset. At the end you will be very satisfied with the position of your headset.The whole process is very simple. Follow this steps so you can get the perfect fit for your Oculus Rift
■ First loosen the straps until the reach the most loosen level.
■The next step is to put your headset on. Slip the back strap on the back side of your head and the front side of your headset adjust over your eyes.
■With your one hand take the front side of your Oculus and with the other try to adjust the side straps. Do this until you feel that the front side of your headset fits properly on your face.
■The next step is to adjust your top strap. You will know you have done this correctly when the top strap when it fits nicely the top of your head. You should tighten the straps until you feel that the front side of the headset is not pushing too hard on your face. The weight should be held on the top and back of your head.