How to name a link?

Note: This is also applicable to posts on the forum, not only in the signature section.

Some members on this forum would like to exhibit their build specifications in their signature. However there is a word limit and we are not able to display every single part on there. One way is to copy and paste the link in our signature. But that isn't an appealing way to present for some professionals out there.

So how do we create a link with a name you want to call it? Here's a short and crisp step-by-step guide to provide an example of how we can do it (with a bit of exaggeration in the link). We will be utilising BBCode to create the final product.

The link I will be using in this tutorial:
The text or name I will be using in this tutorial: System Build

Note: Do not type what I wrote in italics. Instead insert what it says.

Step-by-Step Guide:


Finish Product:
System Build

Hope you have learnt something new from this tutorial and that you are able to utilise this technique.