Got a super mutant in your face causing you trouble, but can't get to your melee weapon or stimpacs in time? You need to set up your quick inventory! Check out how below.
Step 1) Access your Pipboy.
Head into the Pipboy menu and go to your desired weapons, or even medical items like stimpacs.
Step 2) Add the item to your favorites.
This can be done by pressing 'Q' on the keyboard or the right bumper on an X-Box controller, depending on what you use. This will bring up the quick inventory cross.
Step 3) Choose the slot for the item.
To choose the slot for the item, hit one of the number keys you want to use, or on the X-Box controller, use the d-pad to select the slot.
Now that this is set up, you can simply hit the number you assigned this to and that item will be selected right away, or use the d-pad, and you'll always have quick access to whatever weapons your current situation calls for!
Step 1) Access your Pipboy.
Head into the Pipboy menu and go to your desired weapons, or even medical items like stimpacs.

Step 2) Add the item to your favorites.
This can be done by pressing 'Q' on the keyboard or the right bumper on an X-Box controller, depending on what you use. This will bring up the quick inventory cross.

Step 3) Choose the slot for the item.
To choose the slot for the item, hit one of the number keys you want to use, or on the X-Box controller, use the d-pad to select the slot.

Now that this is set up, you can simply hit the number you assigned this to and that item will be selected right away, or use the d-pad, and you'll always have quick access to whatever weapons your current situation calls for!