Gaming is great fun, especially on a PC. However, sometimes your computer hates you, when this happens you start lagging and your fps drops to below 60. Well I am writing this tutorial to help anyone who has these unbearable lag spikes and fps problems. This tutorial is specifically for Minecraft but I may be writing another tutorial for other games like Far Cry 3/4, CS:GO and Team Fortress 2!
Minecraft is a great game, but sadly requires a good PC to actually run the game at a playable and decent fps (60 fps and higher). I have a good gaming PC which I built myself but many people are less fortunate and cannot afford better specs to upgrade their PC.
There are several ways to speed up Minecraft and improve fps and performance. One of the best ways to do this is a mod called Optifine. Optifine is a free mod which allows you to tweak more settings in the game and improve fps and performance.
To download Optifine please visit this link:
Make sure you click the latest version of Minecraft supported by Optifine (currently 1.8.4), Optifine won't always have the latest version of Minecraft compatible, so just download the latest version available.
Next click Download, you will sadly be taken to an link, so make sure your cookies are turned on otherwise it won't work, and make sure you don't click any of the adverts on the page but as long as you click Skip Ad then you'll be ok. You have to wait 5 seconds and then the Skip Ad button will appear in the top right corner of the webpage.
Once you've clicked Skip Ad then click the text surrounded by adverts (unless you have Ad block Plus which will remove these adverts) to download the file. Run the install once the download has finished and then you're done!
Now open up the Minecraft launcher, once the launcher has opened go to the bottom left corner and click the drop down arrow. In the drop down menu make sure you select the Profile Optifine. Once that's done click Play to start the game and configure the settings.
Once the game launches then click Options on the starting screen. In Options click Video settings and you'll notice that loads of new settings have appeared.
You will notice how my settings are very high, this is because I have a good custom built gaming PC that can handle these settings and still get 800 fps. I would recommend lowering these settings a lot to get better performance if your PC cannot handle high settings.
This is a list of the recommended settings in Minecraft:
Graphics: Fast
Smooth Lighting: Off
GUI Scale: Auto (for normal display) or Small to get higher fps
Brightness: Bright or Dark - it's your preference!
Fog: Off
3D Anaglyph: Off
Render Distance: 4-8
Max Framerate: Unlimited
View Bobbing: Off or On - it's once again your preference
Use VBOs: On
And that's it in the main Video Settings screen, now for the other settings:
Select Default for everything with the Default option
Turn Clouds Off
Turn off anything else that is turned On
Click the All Off button for the best performance.
Mipmap Levels: Off
Anisotrophic Filtering: Off
Antialisiasing: Off
Mipmap Type: Nearest
Then turn everything On, Off to get best performance.
Smooth FPS: On
Fast Render: On
Chunk Updates: 1
Lazy Chunk Loading: Off
Smooth World: Off unless you play a lot of Single Player
Fast Math: On
Dynamic Updates: On
Autosave: 30min
Then turn everything On, Off for best performance.
Finally click Done to save all the settings you have just changed, this should boost your fps from anywhere between 20-100+ fps.
Next to test your settings. Go to Single Player and create a New world. Once the world has been created click the button F3 on your keyboard to show the fps of your game. If you're on a laptop you may need to press Shift + F3.
Other ways to boost fps:
Sometimes your game may lag or just be slow and unresponsive because you have programs running in the background on your PC. Programs like Skype, your Antivirus, a web browser, music/video players and email applications will all slow your PC down and therefore slow your game down. To improve performance try closing these programs, but NEVER close your antivirus software because then you're unprotected. If you have a antivirus like Norton Internet Security or another antivirus that has a similar function, you can right click the icon in the notification area of the Windows taskbar and select Turn on silent mode or gaming mode (names may vary depending on your antivirus). Make sure you haven't just minimized the window, or allowed the program to go into the hidden icon menu in Windows (bottom right of the Windows taskbar). Completely close the program by clicking the cross in the top right hand corner of the Window.
Another way to boost fps is by using the Windows Task Manager. First make sure Minecraft is running in the background (open/running). Then open the Windows Task Manager, to open the Task Manager click Ctrl + Alt + Delete on your Keyboard at the same time. Then click Start Task Manager. In the Task Manager right click on Minecraft and select Go to process, the process will now be highlighted and will be called javaw.exe. There are actually 2 of these processes, firstly right click on the un-highlighted javaw.exe and select End process, this will close the process. The second javaw.exe is actually not required to play Minecraft and is just wasting your RAM. Next go back to the first javaw.exe, right click it and select Set priority, then choose high in the menu. A new window will appear saying "Do you want to change the priority of javaw.exe"? In this new window click Change priority.
Finally for the last fps boosting tip. This tip requires you to close your game and re-open the launcher. In the launcher you need to go to the bottom left corner and click Edit Profile. In the new window tick the JVM Arguments tick box. This allows you to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. So make sure you don't allocate more the 80% of your RAM! Now in the textbox next to the tick box remove the 1 from the Xmx1G and change it to a higher number (about 50% of your RAM), e.g. if you have 8GB of RAM change it to 4G. Then click Save Profile and click Play to test it out. If your game doesn't work after this step, try rebooting your game and if that doesn't work then try reducing the allocated RAM.
Thanks for reading this tutorial and I hope these tips help you improve your fps and performance in Minecraft!
If you have any problems with these settings or just need some extra help please send me a private message and I will try to reply as quickly as possible
Written by RAZER Gamer.
*Sorry if the images no longer work - I haven't updated or checked this in a year*
Minecraft is a great game, but sadly requires a good PC to actually run the game at a playable and decent fps (60 fps and higher). I have a good gaming PC which I built myself but many people are less fortunate and cannot afford better specs to upgrade their PC.
There are several ways to speed up Minecraft and improve fps and performance. One of the best ways to do this is a mod called Optifine. Optifine is a free mod which allows you to tweak more settings in the game and improve fps and performance.
To download Optifine please visit this link:

Make sure you click the latest version of Minecraft supported by Optifine (currently 1.8.4), Optifine won't always have the latest version of Minecraft compatible, so just download the latest version available.
Next click Download, you will sadly be taken to an link, so make sure your cookies are turned on otherwise it won't work, and make sure you don't click any of the adverts on the page but as long as you click Skip Ad then you'll be ok. You have to wait 5 seconds and then the Skip Ad button will appear in the top right corner of the webpage.

Once you've clicked Skip Ad then click the text surrounded by adverts (unless you have Ad block Plus which will remove these adverts) to download the file. Run the install once the download has finished and then you're done!
Now open up the Minecraft launcher, once the launcher has opened go to the bottom left corner and click the drop down arrow. In the drop down menu make sure you select the Profile Optifine. Once that's done click Play to start the game and configure the settings.

Once the game launches then click Options on the starting screen. In Options click Video settings and you'll notice that loads of new settings have appeared.

You will notice how my settings are very high, this is because I have a good custom built gaming PC that can handle these settings and still get 800 fps. I would recommend lowering these settings a lot to get better performance if your PC cannot handle high settings.
This is a list of the recommended settings in Minecraft:
Graphics: Fast
Smooth Lighting: Off
GUI Scale: Auto (for normal display) or Small to get higher fps
Brightness: Bright or Dark - it's your preference!
Fog: Off
3D Anaglyph: Off
Render Distance: 4-8
Max Framerate: Unlimited
View Bobbing: Off or On - it's once again your preference
Use VBOs: On
And that's it in the main Video Settings screen, now for the other settings:
Select Default for everything with the Default option
Turn Clouds Off
Turn off anything else that is turned On
Click the All Off button for the best performance.
Mipmap Levels: Off
Anisotrophic Filtering: Off
Antialisiasing: Off
Mipmap Type: Nearest
Then turn everything On, Off to get best performance.
Smooth FPS: On
Fast Render: On
Chunk Updates: 1
Lazy Chunk Loading: Off
Smooth World: Off unless you play a lot of Single Player
Fast Math: On
Dynamic Updates: On
Autosave: 30min
Then turn everything On, Off for best performance.
Finally click Done to save all the settings you have just changed, this should boost your fps from anywhere between 20-100+ fps.
Next to test your settings. Go to Single Player and create a New world. Once the world has been created click the button F3 on your keyboard to show the fps of your game. If you're on a laptop you may need to press Shift + F3.

Other ways to boost fps:
Sometimes your game may lag or just be slow and unresponsive because you have programs running in the background on your PC. Programs like Skype, your Antivirus, a web browser, music/video players and email applications will all slow your PC down and therefore slow your game down. To improve performance try closing these programs, but NEVER close your antivirus software because then you're unprotected. If you have a antivirus like Norton Internet Security or another antivirus that has a similar function, you can right click the icon in the notification area of the Windows taskbar and select Turn on silent mode or gaming mode (names may vary depending on your antivirus). Make sure you haven't just minimized the window, or allowed the program to go into the hidden icon menu in Windows (bottom right of the Windows taskbar). Completely close the program by clicking the cross in the top right hand corner of the Window.
Another way to boost fps is by using the Windows Task Manager. First make sure Minecraft is running in the background (open/running). Then open the Windows Task Manager, to open the Task Manager click Ctrl + Alt + Delete on your Keyboard at the same time. Then click Start Task Manager. In the Task Manager right click on Minecraft and select Go to process, the process will now be highlighted and will be called javaw.exe. There are actually 2 of these processes, firstly right click on the un-highlighted javaw.exe and select End process, this will close the process. The second javaw.exe is actually not required to play Minecraft and is just wasting your RAM. Next go back to the first javaw.exe, right click it and select Set priority, then choose high in the menu. A new window will appear saying "Do you want to change the priority of javaw.exe"? In this new window click Change priority.

Finally for the last fps boosting tip. This tip requires you to close your game and re-open the launcher. In the launcher you need to go to the bottom left corner and click Edit Profile. In the new window tick the JVM Arguments tick box. This allows you to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. So make sure you don't allocate more the 80% of your RAM! Now in the textbox next to the tick box remove the 1 from the Xmx1G and change it to a higher number (about 50% of your RAM), e.g. if you have 8GB of RAM change it to 4G. Then click Save Profile and click Play to test it out. If your game doesn't work after this step, try rebooting your game and if that doesn't work then try reducing the allocated RAM.

Thanks for reading this tutorial and I hope these tips help you improve your fps and performance in Minecraft!
If you have any problems with these settings or just need some extra help please send me a private message and I will try to reply as quickly as possible

Written by RAZER Gamer.
*Sorry if the images no longer work - I haven't updated or checked this in a year*