Jas is one of the village kids and is an orphan who lives in Cindersap Forest. Since both of her parents are dead due to unknown causes, she lives on her aunt Marnie’s ranch with her godfather, Shane, just out of town in the forest.

Jas’ Schedule:
Most often, Jas can be found with her friend Vincent. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, both the kids are tutored by Penny at the Museum. Jas has a different routine during different seasons. During the summer months, you will find Jas on the beach with Vincent and Sam every Thursday from 2:50 PM to 4:00 PM. Similarly, she goes to the beach on Sundays at 1:20 PM. On the other hand, she doesn’t leave the house at all on rainy days.
In the fall, Jas goes to Cindersap forest at noon every Monday. On Saturdays, you’ll spot her near Emily’s house, talking to Vincent and Penny. On Sundays, you will find her at Marnie’s Ranch from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. In winter, she spends most of her time in the Museum. On Sundays, however, you will also find her jumping rope at Traveling Cart.
Gifts for Jas:
Just like many other characters, Jas also loves to receive gifts. You can give her a gift two times a day and of course, on her birthday as well. Jas has a few items that she loves to receive and these include Plum Pudding, Pink Cake, and a Fairy Rose.

You’ll know when you have given her the right item as she will exclaim happily! It is important to note that she hates almost all fruits except for Coconut and fruit tree. As for vegetables, she only likes hops and wheat.

Jas also likes identified as Universal likes as well as Daffodil. On the other hand, Jas won’t really be happy if you give her any kinds of Milk or Universal Neutrals. When it comes to her dislikes, the list is a little long. She doesn’t like Wild Horseradish, any Eggs, and all the things listed in the Universal Dislikes category apart from Clay.

Similarly, she also won’t like it if you give her items from the Universal Hates list. Anything from the Artisan Goods, apart from Mead and Oil, will also not make a good gift for Jas. Plus, if you gift her enough amethysts, then she will sneak out of the house; only to be found behind the rocks near the beach.
Events with Jas:
While there aren’t any events which directly involve Jas, there is one notable event. During one of the heart events involving Shane, Jas seems genuinely concerned for Shane and her love for him is quite visible. So, when Shane talks about killing himself, Jas starts to burst into tears.
While it seems Jas is just a minor character, she sure is unique. Just be careful when picking out her gift though; her ‘likes’ are quite selective!