How To 

Stardew Valley - Guide about the Wizard

The Wizard is surprisingly one of the friendliest and one of the nicest persons you will ever meet in Stardew Valley. He is there to help you and gives you a bunch of quests to help you along your way. He is also responsible for most of the main quests in the game. He also plays a part in the restoration of the Community Center which is arguably one of the largest and longest quests in the game. He also used to be married to the witch and is a dear friend of Linus. You can give him gifts and increase your friendship with him which unlocks the ability to change your appearance in exchange for money.

The Wizard’s Schedule:
The Wizard can be found in his tower on all days, in all seasons from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. He never leaves his tower except for Festivals and other Events. It is curious however that he likes to hide in the festivals and you will have to look for him around the edges of the festival.

The Wizard’s Gift Guide:
The Wizard is a little picky about what he likes and you have to be careful to not give him the wrong gift by mistake. You can give him:
- Solar Essence
- Rabbit’s Foot
- Purple Mushroom
- Void Essence
- Prismatic Shard
- Super Cucumber

- Any Universal Love
He loves all these gifts and you can be sure that these will give you the maximum friendship points but you need to be careful not to give him any of the following:
- Daffodil
- Any Universal Hate
- Leek

- Morel
- Common Mushroom
- Chanterelle
- Snow Yam
- Hazelnut
- Holly
- Slime
- Winter Root
- Wild Horseradish
Any of these gifts will drastically reduce your friendship points with the Wizard.
The Wizard’s Quests:
The Wizard gives you a ton of quests to do. The first one is given to you when you visit him after you get the golden scroll from the abandoned Community Center. He will tell you of the Junimos and how they help and value nature. The second quest comes in the first Winter. He asks you for a Void Essence for which he pays handsomely and you can also earn a heart for the Wizard. The third quest comes in the second Winter and he asks you for an Iridium Bar for which he pays you 5000g.

The Wizard is also responsible for the quests “The Dark Talisman” and “The Goblin Problem”. Both are story quests and only unlock after you have rebuilt the Community Center. Doing both of these quests unlocks four different Wizard buildings for your farm which are extremely cool. He also leaves side-quests for you as well as fetch quests on Pierre’s board so that you can pick up extra money.
The Wizard is only trying to understand all the occult stuff that is happening in the Valley. He does not want power; he only wishes to help all those who need it. It is also hinted at that he is the father of Abigail.