Windows 8/Windows 8.1 strongly suggests you to create and use a Microsoft account while signing-in to the operating system. With the help of the Microsoft account, you can get all the benefits and features that the OS has to offer including the Store, Mail, etc.
When you sign-in to Windows 8/Windows 8.1 using the Microsoft account, the built-in Mail app automatically gets configured with the account, thus allowing you to check your emails without using any third-party email client.
If the operating system keeps prompting you to sign-in to the Microsoft account whenever you try to access your emails using the Mail app, it means that you are not signed in with the Microsoft account, but you have already added the account to the Mail app. In such case, although you can access the emails by simply ignoring the prompts and skipping the Microsoft account signing-in or creation process, the regular and continuous prompts might annoy you after a few days/weeks.
If you do not want to sign-in to Windows 8/Windows 8.1 using the Microsoft account but still want to access the emails, all you can do is that you can remove all the added accounts from the built-in Mail app. After doing this, you can download and install any third-party email client program (for example, Mozilla Thunderbird), and can configure the email settings there.
Here is how you can get this done:
When you sign-in to Windows 8/Windows 8.1 using the Microsoft account, the built-in Mail app automatically gets configured with the account, thus allowing you to check your emails without using any third-party email client.
If the operating system keeps prompting you to sign-in to the Microsoft account whenever you try to access your emails using the Mail app, it means that you are not signed in with the Microsoft account, but you have already added the account to the Mail app. In such case, although you can access the emails by simply ignoring the prompts and skipping the Microsoft account signing-in or creation process, the regular and continuous prompts might annoy you after a few days/weeks.
If you do not want to sign-in to Windows 8/Windows 8.1 using the Microsoft account but still want to access the emails, all you can do is that you can remove all the added accounts from the built-in Mail app. After doing this, you can download and install any third-party email client program (for example, Mozilla Thunderbird), and can configure the email settings there.
Here is how you can get this done:
- ■Log on to Windows 8/Windows 8.1 using Microsoft account.
■Once logged on, from the Start screen, click the Mail tile.
■On the Mail app interface, hover mouse to the bottom-right corner to display Charms bar.
■From the displayed options, click Settings.
■From the Settings window, click Accounts.
■From the Accounts window, click to select the desired account that you want to remove.
■Once selected, click the Remove Account button.
■On the next interface that appears, click All my synced PCs to remove the account from all the synced PCs. Alternatively you can also click This PC to remove the account from the currently logged on computer only.