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Workaround for B200 Error on Canon printers

I have become fed up with the number of 'broken' Canon multifunction printers that I have come across that show the 'B200' error on the screen. I have communicated with Canon UK, Canon Europe and certain Canon engineers, all of whom can offer no credible reason for the error nor a definitive solution other than "...its possibly the power supply, buy a new one..." or "...its possibly the carriage, buy a new one..."

I have established a workaround that has put trouble free life back into many supposedly 'broken' printers.

1. Turn OFF Power
2. Open the print head bay (as though you were about to change inks)
3. Turn ON power
4. Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left and let it go past half way
5. Before print carriage reaches left hand side (but after going halfway across) shut the cover.
6. Leave the Printer turned on
7. Good to go.

(Very occasionally I have had to do this twice in a row to get past the error)
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Signed up for an account to tell you that 5+ years later, this is the only solution that has worked for me. I tried everything else - cleaning the print head multiple times, letting it dry, replacing it in varying orders. But your description solved my issue immediately after two weeks of trying other solutions. So for that, I thank you greatly.

The B200 error is an embarrassing joke, considering the number of alternate solutions I came across. Canon clearly needs to improve their self-diagnosis functionality.
Wow! Easy Peasy!, so pleased with your easy fix, appreciated the simple format of your fix, and YES it works! Have a great week , I know I will now!
Also, and quite literally just signed up to say thank you. My iX6550 has just started showing B200, and I thought I would need a new print head, but this actually sorted it. You sir ARE A GENTLEMAN !
Hopefully this helps anyone with a B200 error. I have a Pro-10 that started flashing alternating between the power and fault LEDs, 10 times per LED per sequence. Totally unresponsive to anything I did, has all Canon pigment installed and only Canon pigment has ever been installed. Tried unplugging power, restarting numerous times, nothing. I even tried someone's suggestion to unplug power, hold power button 30 seconds, reconnect AC power, still didn't work.

Here's what solved it after deciding to experiment to try and initiate a hard reset command and not feeling that holding the power button down for 30 seconds while unplugged would accomplish doing that.

I unplugged the unit, held the power button down for at least 30 seconds (was probably about a minute), while STILL HOLDING THE POWER BUTTON DOWN plugged the unit back in and kept holding the power button down for at least another 30 seconds (likely was more like a minute), while doing this the power LED was solid white the entire time... then while still holding down the power button also pressed and held the feed button for at least another 30 seconds (holding both down). Upon releasing the two buttons the printer appeared to be off - another time I performed this for a customer, upon releasing the two buttons the amber feel light was on solid (it worked for the customer as well).

I unplugged the power, plugged back in, turned the printer back on and, lo and behold, it started up and performed a lengthy self clean cycle and functioned as normal.

Hope this helps someone, may work on the Pro-100, Pro-9000 and Pro-9500 as well.
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