Reaper can be absolutely devastating with his shotguns if he gets the drop on any character up close. There is no real way to pick a champ specifically to counter him either, if he sneaks up on you, there's a good chance you are dead if you aren't ready for him.So here's a few tips on how to deal with this pest.
Step 1)Watch your back.
Check your surroundings often and expect the attack from behind or above. He can teleport so he can easily sneak in behind or from above to get to you where you can't see him, so keep an eye out on all avenues of approach. Know where he can come from, and watch for him. If you spot him before he spots you you have a good advantage against him no matter who you are.
Step 2)Communicate with your team.
If reaper slips in behind your team and you happen to be the first to go down, use that voice communication that's built into the game and scream about the reaper in your back lines. Get your team to turn and look at him to deal with him, because if you don't warn them, they might get a shotgun blast to the back of the head like you did as a warning. Make your team be aware of the threat coming behind them.
Step 3)Give chase if he goes into spectral form.
If he comes out of hiding to take a few shots at you, and gets hurt doing it, he'll probably be using his spectral form to get away and get to a health pick up. Go after him and kill him before he does, his spectral form has a long cool down and only lasts for 3 seconds. Give up the chase if he seems to just be luring you in to close quarters for his shotgun blasts though, it's hard to judge when giving chase is a bad idea or not but you'll get it down in time.
Keep in mind, he is vulnerable during his ultimate as well, if you can get out of range of it you can still shoot him to kill him and stop him mid ultimate. Hopefully these tips help!

Step 1)Watch your back.
Check your surroundings often and expect the attack from behind or above. He can teleport so he can easily sneak in behind or from above to get to you where you can't see him, so keep an eye out on all avenues of approach. Know where he can come from, and watch for him. If you spot him before he spots you you have a good advantage against him no matter who you are.

Step 2)Communicate with your team.
If reaper slips in behind your team and you happen to be the first to go down, use that voice communication that's built into the game and scream about the reaper in your back lines. Get your team to turn and look at him to deal with him, because if you don't warn them, they might get a shotgun blast to the back of the head like you did as a warning. Make your team be aware of the threat coming behind them.

Step 3)Give chase if he goes into spectral form.
If he comes out of hiding to take a few shots at you, and gets hurt doing it, he'll probably be using his spectral form to get away and get to a health pick up. Go after him and kill him before he does, his spectral form has a long cool down and only lasts for 3 seconds. Give up the chase if he seems to just be luring you in to close quarters for his shotgun blasts though, it's hard to judge when giving chase is a bad idea or not but you'll get it down in time.

Keep in mind, he is vulnerable during his ultimate as well, if you can get out of range of it you can still shoot him to kill him and stop him mid ultimate. Hopefully these tips help!