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    • _X3M
      _X3M replied to the thread Question cpu and gpu.
      FPS is same on Ultra/High settings or Low settings.its like 10-15 fps diffrence. Its Windows 11 but i dont get it how cant i get more...
    • _X3M
      _X3M replied to the thread Question cpu and gpu.
      Tryed it in Cyberpunk,COD MW 3,The Witcher 3. Res is mostly 1920x1080 except fps games,its strached like 1280x960. Motherboard is...
    • _X3M
      _X3M posted the thread Question cpu and gpu in PC Gaming.
      Hi,am new on this forum and gaming overall,am just here to ask a simple question. So when i am gaming lets say cs2,pubg or almost...
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