Recent content by AdiiL

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    I can't access the BIOS anymore

    Hi, I ran into a problem recently right after i did some partitioning to my SSD using some program called "EaseUs Partition Master" so i can install Win8 besides my Win7. The partitioning process went fine but after i went to access the BIOS to select my USB key that has the OS in it, no matter...
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    This Is What You Need To Run Far Cry 4

    These specs should've been AC Unity's
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    Budget Gaming PC

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    Budget Gaming PC

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    Budget Gaming PC

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    Budget Gaming PC

    Hi, What do you guys think for a budget gaming pc ? PS. I'm not planning to oc, and i already have an extrenal HDD so i don't need an internal HDD.
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    In Pictures: 40 Of The Dirtiest PCs You've Ever Seen

    I think my eyes are bleeding
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    My first gaming PC build

    OK .. Thanks for all your replies, they helped me a lot
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    My first gaming PC build

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    My first gaming PC build

    Is my PC build compatible (for gaming of course) ? Any edits are welcome.