Recent content by adumbbird13

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    BSOD Issues while Installing Software thru Origin

    Alright: weird question. For some reason, my computer has been non-stop blue screening over the past week or so. Errors like memory_management (0x0000001A) and page_fault_in_nonpaged_area (0x00000050) have been occurring every hour or so. This is where it gets weird: this only happens when I'm...
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    Need a DSLR for HD Video/High Quality Portraits

    Hey guys! I'm looking into a new camera, preferably a DSLR. This is what Im looking for in specific: -AT LEAST 14MP. -A sensor with great natural light detection. I am going to be taking a lot of shots of people and landscapes, so I need a camera that won't need the flash when the sun is...
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    [SOLVED] Keyboard does not work properly on Mac Os X

    Did you install Razer Synapse? I had similar problems with my Razer Nostromo, but once I downloaded and installed Synapse and started creating profiles, everything cleared up.
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    [SOLVED] Are these parts compatible, and can I use them in a hackintosh build?

    I wouldn't personally recommend the MSI board, simply because they are a pain in the butt to setup. I recommend Gigabyte, or if not possible, Asus works as well. This website is a great additional resource for finding files and video guides on hackintoshing...
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    Theoretical mITX Build

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    Theoretical mITX Build

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    Theoretical mITX Build

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    Theoretical mITX Build

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    Theoretical mITX Build

    To start off, this question is mostly theoretical. I plan on rebuilding my computer when I go away for school (And build my old one cheaper for my brother), and I want to go mITX. The computer will be running some fairly heavy fluid and thermal simulations, nothing for a super computer but...
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    GTX 760 SLI Questions?

    Hello! So, I currently have two of those dandy GTX 760 4GB things made by MSI (The Twin Frozr edition), and it is great. When I run games on my higher resolution TV, it really helps having the extra VRAM. My question is about adding a 3rd card: I recently got a bonus at work, and I'm also...
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    Will I need a new motherboard / CPU soon?

    If you have confirmed that the PSU is not the problem and it is your motherboard, go for it. If you want to go i7, I would personally go with the 4790k. Although it's only 4 cores, 6 cores is a little bit of overkill for gaming and music rendering, even light video editing. If you want to put in...
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    Will the Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo fit into my case?

    Yup, with about an inch to spare!