Recent content by ahuang1031

  1. A

    Different stress test results on Aida64 and prime95

    Hello, I finally decided to OC my 7700k but got mixed results with prime95 and aida 64. Currently I am OC'd at 4.8ghz at 1.3 volts. Aida64 runs did not dispaly a temp higher than low 70s after a 30 minute run. Prime95 showed steady temperatures until after 10 minutes and immediately spiked...
  2. A

    Best Air Cooler for i7 7700K OC'd to 4.9-5ghz (Possible air cooler for 8700k?)

    I am looking to replace my 212 EVO air cooler with something that can handle more heat for my 7700k that I plan to overclock to roughly 4.9-5ghz. The 212 isn't cutting it. I'd prefer to stay with air coolers to avoid pump failures for AIOs. My case is a TT view 31 so space shouldn't be an issue...
  3. A

    Will a i5 6600 or 6500 work with a h270 board

    Looking to build a PC with a mixture of used and new parts. I will probably be getting a i5 6600 or 6500 because I can get them at a considerable lower price than the 7th gen i5s. At my local tech store there are a few h270 boards that are open box and cheap. My question is will a 6th...