Recent content by aj111111

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    PC Locks up on windows 7 ult 64bit

    @wolf yeah i'm using vista drivers for the chipset .. @ clox i did a disk check and a S.M.A.R.T check .. nothing out of the ordinary and there're no overclocks .. i'll reset CMOS and let you know what happens. P.S After reading a few similar threads i noticed that most of the people...
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    PC Locks up on windows 7 ult 64bit

    I'm grateful in advance for whoever decides to help, your time is very much appreciated. Well here's my ever so annoying issue. my PC locks up like the devil randomly on windows 7 ult . and by random i mean could be 2 hours could be 5 minutes then a complete lock up that a manual reboot is...
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    Core2Quad q8400 overheating ?

    Best answer selected by aj111111.
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    Core2Quad q8400 overheating ?

    Thank you all for the reponses, @Muffin, apparently the moron who installed the processor [ Me ] made a noobie mistake and yeah it actually wasn't mounted properly, it was a liiiitle bit loose and by little bit i mean a few mellimeters but they were enough to cause that heat issue, i tested it...
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    Core2Quad q8400 overheating ?

    i'll recheck the mount again and let you know :)
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    Core2Quad q8400 overheating ?

    Thats one of the issues Seumas .. i cant . The only thing i can find is worse heatsinks/coolers in general and if i buy it off of ebay or just buy it online i'll end up paying 6x the price on customs so is there anything i can do ? is that temp normal at all for the stock heatsink/cooler ? or is...
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    Core2Quad q8400 overheating ?

    Yes, using the stock Intel Cooler for the lack of a better option - living in southern Egypt, no access to anything better - and no .. didn't overclock it at all
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    Core2Quad q8400 overheating ?

    I'd like to thank anyone who attempts to help in advance. Now the issue is that i recently purchased a Core 2 Quad Q8400 And i've been monitoring the temp using Core Temp 1.0 .. during games like Grand Theft Auto 4 and The witcher 2 - for example - the temp reached 86 Degrees At the moment room...
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    Computer Freezing issue - ram related

    Best answer selected by aj111111.
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    Computer Freezing issue - ram related

    Well i reinstalled windows 7 64bit a couple of days ago using the 2x2GB Kingston rams and so far so good, no freezing nothing .. it might've been a software issue afterall .. here's the software i installed 1- windows updates inc internet9 2- adobe flash 3- utorrent 4- IP Settings changed 5- IDM...
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    Computer Freezing issue - ram related

    Sorry for the delay in a response, i just thought i'd give my following experiment some time to make sure everything's working. Well simply i just reverted back to Windows 7 Ultimate 32Bit. i used the 2x2GB Kingston rams - which have froze on me before in windows 64 - and the computer has been...
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    Computer Freezing issue - ram related

    I updated the bios and the computer worked pretty good for 2 and a half hours or so then .. boom another freeze. as in for ram voltage , which ones should i bump up and to what? Thanks again
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    Computer Freezing issue - ram related

    Hello, i've got yet another problem. I'm buying a Q8400 2.66 Core2Quad processor so i thought i'd upgrade my rams a bit. Current specs Intel E7300 Core 2 Duo 2.66 Sapphire ATI 5770 1GB Asus P5k Mainboard WD Blue Caviar 500GB 6 GBs of ram as follows Old rams :- 1x2GB Kingston DDR 2 Rams 2x1Gb...
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    Issues with Powercolor 4670 1gb

    Hello, i've asked this question over and over but its still driving me bananas. during many games it freezes, locks up and wont do a thing til i reboot. and now its not updating drivers via CCC - catalyst control center - it gives a certain error saying that installation of the driver has...
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    Powercolor HD 4670 GPU Temperature.

    Best answer selected by aj111111.