Recent content by Aladdad

  1. Aladdad

    i7 7700K overclock to 4.8Ghz in BIOS but Windows 10 CPU-Z says 4.5Ghz (MAX)

    have you solved this problem? im experiencing same problem i tried everything i have Gigabyte Z270 Gaming K5 motherboard
  2. Aladdad

    7700k weird overclock issue

    Alright, so i have a 7700k and a Gigabyte Aorus Z270 Gaming K5... so im having this really wierd issue that can't seem to find a solution to it im trying to overclock the CPU i set the multiplier to 50 in the bios and set up the voltage, LLC and everything else i boot into windows and CPU-z...
  3. Aladdad

    72 degrees on i7 6700k while gaming

    Normal, for some reason i7 6700k on auto/stock runs at high voltages which cause high temps, not that 72c is high its actually pretty good. Set a Manual overclock mine is running at 4.5Ghz at 1.29v and HWmonitor shows 1.328v max and temps barely hit 70c because auto voltages are not that great...
  4. Aladdad

    Corsair vengrance LPX ram overclocking

    So i have Corsair LPX 2400mhz, im using the XMP Profile to achieve 2400mhz... but i read that overclocking the ram can help to get the most out of an overclocked CPU. i have my 6700k overclocked to 4.6Ghz and i want to try overclocking the ram manually to maybe 2800mhz... i have never...
  5. Aladdad

    System random reboot when doing light work, unstable OC?

    so it seems like my PC restarts after waking up from sleep mode not instantly but about a minute after it wakes up which i cannot understand why
  6. Aladdad

    System random reboot when doing light work, unstable OC?

    So i have a 6700k OC'ed to 4.5Ghz its perfectly fine when playing games rendering videos and doing other heavy cpu stuff, but sometimes after i start up my PC and start browsing the web my PC would just completely power it self off then power it self back on with no warning. i've never...
  7. Aladdad

    Asus Maximus VIII Hero no display

    Was Playing overwatch and suddenly monitors went black, so i naturally i restart the PC and there still nothing on the monitor no Asus logo on start up or nothing.. Monitor keep saying no signal. tried Hdmi on motherboard and on gpu no display. Mobo shows code 00, tried clr_cmos and still same...
  8. Aladdad

    6700k worth the overclock?

  9. Aladdad

    6700k worth the overclock?

    Yeah i think i got a pretty good chip my self, 4.5Ghz at 1.270v :) maybe you can use my results as a base line or something :P Good luck!
  10. Aladdad

    6850k jumps from 3700 mhz to 1200 mhz randomly

    does it happen in game? its normal for it to happen if your just browsing the web. But if it does happen in games then make sure you are not using power saver mode in the power options in control panel, Try high performance and see if it helps
  11. Aladdad

    6700k worth the overclock?

    you should give it ago, overclocking your CPU is not very hard. i just got my self a 6700k and a Hyper 212 EVO and i have it @ 4.5Ghz and its running very well :) just looking for a couple of tweaks to the OC right now
  12. Aladdad

    i7 6700k Overclocking optimization

    So i got my self an 6700k and overclocked it to 4.5Ghz now i set the voltage in the bios to Adaptive and set it to 1.255v its been stable so far but i noticed CPUz has been reporting 1.265v at some points but for the most part its bouncing between 1.328v/1.344v i read something about reducing...
  13. Aladdad

    6700k is this ok? should i reapply thermal paste?

    its so weird, because im on the desktop browsing the internet at around 24c and all of a sudden temps would spike to high 50's then back to mid 20's.. i tried re-applying thermal paste and it still does the same thing