Recent content by alexmuresan732

  1. alexmuresan732

    Question New Dell Gaming Monitor G2724D

    I can,i did a reset and it's still doing it. It stays on for like 5 minutes then turns off,then turns back on and from there it stays max 3 seconds and turns off again and does that repeteadly
  2. alexmuresan732

    Question New Dell Gaming Monitor G2724D

    New Dell Monitor turns on,stays like it for ~ 5 minutes then turns off,after it turns on again and after 1-2 seconds it turns off again and it does this repeatedly
  3. alexmuresan732

    Question PC BUILD 1000$

    Newbie here,help me build an entire PC for 1000$ (without monitor) from scratch,with the best each components i can get for that amount of money. Whoever helps me will get a surprise in dm (drop me your pp) Thank You!
  4. alexmuresan732

    Question GeForce RTX 4060

    Is Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 a good graphics card or should i consider something else around the same price? Thank you.