Recent content by ALyons

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    Windows Update with moved User folders

    Hi all, I have moved my User folders to a secondary drive and pointed windows in the right direction through the registry (Local_machine....ProfileList\Users I've moved). The last couple of updates don't work with this setup. Has anyone found a workaround? I really don't want to stuff around...
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    Dell "Charger too small" workarounds?

    Turns out my BIOS was in fact really out of date and got updated alongside a whole heap of drivers and threshold has increased to 180w. I did try another 130w charger which had the same issue, then borrowed a 180w one which returned everything to normal. Thanks for the reply through
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    Dell "Charger too small" workarounds?

    Hi all, sometime around Jan 15-20 this year a message started popping up on my Dell Precision M4800 stating that the 130w power supply I had plugged in was under the recommended 180w and in short it was going to throttle system performans/not charge etc. (I think I might have done a BIOS update...
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    On Demand Clock Modulation Throttled when Type-C allowed in BIOS

    Ok- it seems to be a speedstep rather than type C issue. I have got around it using a combination of throttlestop and PPMpanel to force full CPU usage but some throttling as well, not as efficient as Speedstep but better than nothing. Just waiting on new drivers/Win updates and hoping for the best
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    On Demand Clock Modulation Throttled when Type-C allowed in BIOS

    Hi all, Recently ran into an issue where the computer started creeping. After days of troubleshooting and a reset of Windows 10, isolated it to the CPU being throttled. Looking at HWiNFO64 it seems that said throttling is occurring through the On Demand Clock Modulation which is stuck at 43.8%...
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    Sorry Another Slow System Question

    After some further searching through HWiNFO64, isolated the throttling to On Demand Clock Modulation seemingly being stuck at 43.8%. So now have the usual CPU throttling to save power/temp but have disabled type-c modes in BIOS. Hope this helps anyone else having issues to at least get back to...
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    Sorry Another Slow System Question

    Ok, so after some further digging I have found it was the CPU, seems that Intel's Power saving tech was permanently throttling the CPU to about 13% capacity even when doing benchmark tests. Went through the BIOS and disabled everything that allowed CPU throttling and am now back to 100% usage at...
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    Sorry Another Slow System Question

    I hate to ask another "my computer has slowed down" question but i'm at my wits end here. I bought a refurbished dell Precision M4800 about 2 years ago which ran like a beast for the first year-14 months. Then all of a sudden just started creeping. Reset with windows 10 reset function but left...