Recent content by ander

  1. ander

    Foxit Reader installed with Foxit Cloud

    Unfortunately, Foxit Cloud no longer appears in "Add and Remove Programs". Foxit obviously intends that people not have a choice about using it anymore.
  2. ander

    Cherry mx blue, red or brown

    I'm sure Gee Bee really feels that way. However, keyboards are a very personal thing. I'm not a gamer, but I'm a fast typist (110+ wpm). When I researched mechanical keyboards, I learned that the Cherry Red and Brown switches were the quietest (and Blues the loudest). So I looked for opinions...
  3. ander

    Mouse & Keyboard Lag

    I had this very same problem, for months. It was maddening. I tried all the standard solutions in Power Options, Device Manager, BIOS, etc. I finally fixed it by disabling the Workstation service (one of the many hidden programs that automatically run when you start Windows). The Workstation...
  4. ander

    Let's Take A Trip Inside Budget Power Bars, Part Two

    Besides the technical info itself, I think it's great seeing people get this excited about something like power strips. It shows you how interesting even everyday things can be. It's also encouraging to know that not everyone's attention span has been shortened to the length of a 5-minute sitcom...
  5. ander

    Split audio to two separate output devices: HDMI & Desktop Speakers

    CheVolume isn't free, though. Actually, to do what you're describing, you don't need any extra apps—just follow the method described here, which uses some of Windows' existing sound settings. It worked great for me (also Windows 7, 64-bit). Cheers, Ander
  6. ander

    Buying Laptop; Your final thoughts...

    Not quite true. The dual cores take advantage of any software that runs multiple threads (parallel processes). See: "Intel debuts Core Duo: dual-core processors come to laptops" Most big apps and games are multithreaded. But even when they're not, a...