Recent content by Andorak

  1. Andorak

    Is the i7 870 better than the i7 930?

    The i7 870's have dropped in price and are alsmost the same as the i7 860, so I would definitely go for the i7 870. It has a better turbo boost when compared to both the i7 860 and the i7 930. At max turbo it will run at around 3.6 GHz and at min turbo it will run at aorund 3.2 GHz. So unless u...
  2. Andorak

    Are Arts students truly dumber than Science students?

    Ive also got some engineering jokes, it just took me a while to find them. There are tons but Ive added a couple. Two engineering students were walking across campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding...
  3. Andorak

    Are Arts students truly dumber than Science students?

    Well Im not going to judge which is smarter, I know for a fact that if I (an engineering student) did an arts degree I would fail hard, because thats just not what Im good at. But Ive heard a couple jokes which I thought Id share with u guys. Ok, so what the difference between an Arts student...