Recent content by AndreuSobrio

  1. AndreuSobrio

    Build Advice Solid white DRAM LED and GPU not booting up

    They are installed on the DIMMA2 and DIMMB2 as shown on the manual. I installed the DIMMA2 first. (I don’t know if it’s the standard nomenclature but it’s the second and fourth ones starting from the left) I should phrased it differently. I upgraded the whole system at once as my components...
  2. AndreuSobrio

    Build Advice Solid white DRAM LED and GPU not booting up

    Hi everyone and thanks in advance. I’ve been upgrading my setup lately and yesterday i booted for the first time. Everything seems to boot except the GPU which does not respond. The fans do not start and there is no signal. The motherboard gives me a DRAM debug led warning but the RAM should...