Recent content by AndrewFrantz

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    Has my power supply failed?

    Before you replace the CPU, try to change out the CMOS battery. It might help, worst case scenario you are out 4 bucks for a battery. You can also get pretty cheap PSU testers from NewEgg or amazon that do the job nicely and are super easy to use before you replace
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    wont boot up

    Try to run windows CHKDSK utility on the drive connected externally to another computer. If not, you can just try to re format again.
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    best software for keeping track of what i buy and sell things for?

    I would definitely recommend keeping track of it in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. It is very useful for storing multivariant data. You can use it to sort things, keep track of prices, and make sure you are clearing a profit! If you're business grows substantially, you could look into something...
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    How much system cache is the right amount?

    From everything I have heard, a good level to se aside is twice of the amount of RAM. It should rarely get accessed unless your system is lacking in RAM. In that case what can happen is Hard drive Thrashing. If you find that your HDD light is always on, you definitely need to add more RAM...