Recent content by Anebay

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    Question 2 different gpus for performance increase.

    I got an upgrade to my cpu a few months back(ryzen 7 5800x) and I don’t really remember my power supply but it has 650 watt so my cpu is def better than my you right now
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    Question 2 different gpus for performance increase.

    I see, thank you for a fast response. Googled this for a long time and every site had a different answer.
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    Question 2 different gpus for performance increase.

    Hello, I was wondering if it’s is possible to have a performance increase (get more fps) by using 2 different gpus in one pc. In my case Radeon RX 590 (old), and a gtx 1660 super (main). Also the game I’m trying to boost fps for is mw2.
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    Question AMD driver problem

    by a removal tool you mean like ddu? because i already tried that and it didnt work
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    Question AMD driver problem

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 six core Precessor GPU: radeon rx 590 sapphire nitro+ MotherBoard: AB350-Gaming 3 PSU: EVGA NEX 650G This has been going on for a while, basically the only amd drivers i can run are 19.6 and lower. But all the new games require 19.11 and higher and if I install any...
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    ye honestly i dont know either, ive been trying to fix this for a long time. Thank you for trying to help tho. You have a Wonderful New Yearks :)
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    nope, nothing changed :(
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    ive also tried changing the pixel format in my amd settings, on the new drivers. and the problem still happens
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    it only had a thing that said if i would ike to open this once, or keep it on my pc as an app, i picked to open it once
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the fist 2 are the good drivers, and the last 3 are the new once(the laggy once)
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    No this is a clean build, and my windows has been up to date. so im not sure what it is. And also the Game bar and stuff like that is all turned off
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    View: i've updated my video card to the newest drivers (19.12.3) and this is what it does, it changed from rainbow lines to just this. Its not as good of an example but you can still see it, and those lines never stop, they Keep...
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    ok, i've enabled the X.M.P., and for what am i downloading drivers for?
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    im sorry im not into like the tech and stuff, so i dont really know what you're talking about, and i do apologize for that, and i dont really know what RAID means, and for what should i try the 19.20 drivers for?
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    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.