Recent content by Angrychris9215

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    [SOLVED] Stuttering since Windows 10 update ?

    I dont have any advice. I've had stuttering issues on both my work computer and now home computer that I've been unable to solve. For me, its centered around windows explorer...thats what freezes up when the stutters happen. My audio seems fine throughout the stutter, its just everything else...
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    [SOLVED] I want to remove the plastic shroud on my MSI GTX 1070 ti Duke card so I can paint it white.

    Thanks for the info. I think slapping a water block on it sounds easier than soldering anything. I wonder if they make aftermarket AIO's for GPU's. I have one for the cpu and its great.
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    [SOLVED] I want to remove the plastic shroud on my MSI GTX 1070 ti Duke card so I can paint it white.

    He also never actually explains the actual shunt mod that the video title claims...I guess that's in another video somewhere else...... :rolleyes: He does show you where you'd shunt it. I may follow up on that some day, but really what's the point.... 5 extra frames?
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    [SOLVED] I want to remove the plastic shroud on my MSI GTX 1070 ti Duke card so I can paint it white.

    Thanks for your reply. I'm a regular viewer of GN and have seen that video. He never removes the shroud from the heatsink. I'm gonna give it a go this weekend. Cant get one of those fancy white ASUS 3080 Strix cards....may as well make the best of my aging 10 series.
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    [SOLVED] I want to remove the plastic shroud on my MSI GTX 1070 ti Duke card so I can paint it white.

    I see 2 screws behind each of the 3 fans. I can access those by moving the fan blades one way or the other. Are those the shroud screws? My real question is....can I remove this shroud without completely disassembling the card, removing the heatsink from the PCB? Thanks in advance! Chris