Recent content by Arabyssss

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    Graphics card 200$ budget

    APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: between 12/10 and 12/20 USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT:Games;Arma II Dayz Mod, WoW, Aion, Minecraft, Skyrim(Probably mod intensive) Console emulation, Photoshop and video editing. All computer parts I will be buying are listed here:
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    Graphics card 200$ budget

    Hello! I wanted to ask the community what is the best possible graphics card for around 200$ it is possible to go over that budget but please no more than 30$. I would welcome explanations on why this specific card is so good, not just opinions but statements based on the card itself such as ram...
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    Help me out! 700$ budget build.

    Duely noted! Thanks alot umm... Ringo :D I will stick with your build suggestions thanks for the help ^^!
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    Help me out! 700$ budget build.

    I was hoping to avoid having to buy an operating system but if it must be done, so shall it be done! Also if I wanted to learn to OC in the future should I go with the i5-3570k and then buy an after stock cooling fan later? Or tack on the extra 20-40$ right now so I know I will have the...
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    Help me out! 700$ budget build.

    Wow you are awesome I just have a few questions: 1.Is Ubuntu a good choice for this build 2.How would this build handle the following games: Arma II paired with the Day z mod. Team fortress 2. Minecraft. Left 4 dead. And last but not least could this system handle GTA 4 on low to mid settings?
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    Help me out! 700$ budget build.

    Wow you really squeezed that stuff together thanks alot! but will this build offer the same performance as the one preveiously submitted?
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    Help me out! 700$ budget build.

    Thanks alot this helps man! The only thing I had a problem with was the case, I don't wana spend alot of money on a case so I found this one: Would this suffice as a feasible replacement? I am still on a budget after all and this...
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    Help me out! 700$ budget build.

    Approximate Purchase Date: Between 11/28/12 and 12/10/12 Budget Range:700 Before Rebates; After Shipping System Usage from Most to Least Important: Primariliy gaming surfing the web and using photoshop. Are you buying a monitor: No Parts to Upgrade:Everything. Do you need to buy OS: No...