Recent content by arcanecannon

  1. A

    FX-6300 Overclocking Strangeness

    If It helps any The errors read as CPU: 17.5 x 200mhx(I set it to 20.5 before weirdness) memory clock:1333 Ht speed : 2200 mhz(I didn't touch this )
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    FX-6300 Overclocking Strangeness

    Alright I have overclocked my Processor to Always run at 4.1 ghz No Problems. Now, here recently I have tried(and failed) to overclock to several different overclocks. I always Get a blue screen. Now I can return to the original overclock to 4.1 ghz only after setting Everything back to...
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    New to PC building - Are my parts compatible?

    As Far as I can Tell They are Compatible. However Your case Might Be a tight squeeze Considering you Case has a max video Card length of 11.81" and the Rx 480 has a length of 10" Installation Might be a little difficult and might have a few awkward angles to get at it. Other than that it should...
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    CPU Bottle-necking the RX-480

    Okay, So as the Title Suggested I am at a Crossroad and am a bit Lost. I am Preparing to buy a New GPU(Rx 480) but, after some research I have discovered that My Current CPU(FX-6300) will cause a bottleneck. I am unsure whether to one, Buy a Aftermarket cooler and overclock my Current...