Recent content by AThiefAppears

  1. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    It's been about 3 weeks since I removed those drivers and I haven't crashed since. (Removed on 12/19) Had to buy a new (not off-brand) pen tablet to continue working, but oh well. I'll mark this as solved. Thanks again for the help!
  2. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Sorry, I didn't get a notification about this post. I've fully murdered the two tablet drivers after a fun game of Windows authorization. Killed the Driver Store versions too. I did that the day after I made my post, so I'm currently waiting...and looking for a new tablet, sigh. No more Huion...
  3. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Well, the inevitable happened. Just took a lot longer. Got back from work and noticed I'd reset. Was hoping for a rogue update, but I checked for a dump just in case and found one. Dump File Starting to worry it's my mobo or something. (Also, I remove the solved thing right?) Edit: Started...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Sometimes you just kinda give up and ask yourself if you can just live with the problem. I definitely asked myself that after buying new RAM and the new SSD (before the recent switch from the m.2) as I worried my CPU or MOBO had gone bad...And I'd already spent too much money on the situation...
  5. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Right. I'll keep updating when things change. If nothing happens in 10-ish days I'll mark this as solved by switching the SSD. Should probably look into resurrection rules if it does show up later, though... Thank you for all the help so far, though.
  6. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Update: Memtest completed overnight and turned up zero errors. Going to wait a few days to see if switching SSDs worked. Should be another 3 days or so if it's still in effect.
  7. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Update: Ran Prime over night, passed all tests. Will run Memtest over night, and a friend has a multimeter so we'll test the PSU when he comes around. If nothing comes up between the three of these tests and it happens again, I'll run integrated for a few days.
  8. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Update: Decided on how I wanted to go about everything. I just installed Win10 on the new SSD. Took the M.2 out for now. Also probably means that if the BSOD returns, it will likely be another 3-4 days. Currently running the blend stress test with Prime. If it fails, then as directed I'll run...
  9. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    The annoying thing about this BSOD happening every 3-4 days is it's like a stress meter whenever you try something new, as you have to wait to see if it worked. Ha. I ran Memtest on both sets but not as long on the newer set. I can run it overnight tonight and see if anything pops up. Can run...
  10. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Here you are. Thanks!
  11. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    PTSimBus.sys is in DriverStore so he's here to stay. I murdered PTSimHid.sys. Saw no point in some Wacom mini driver. I reinstalled the software for my tablet but despite the date listed on the site, the drivers aren't as new. This bsod has a habit of appearing every 3-4 days so I'm expecting...
  12. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Yeah, I don't think anything has raised my blood pressure more than Driver Verifier. I haven't bothered with it since then, though. I can try to see if UGEE (The company that makes my graphics tablet) has any updated versions of their driver, though it was hell to find the one I have even from...
  13. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    I really hope it's not the CPU, ha. Anyway, this is the PSU I have. And thanks. As I've seen mentioned in the forums here, when I ran BlueScreenView+WinDbg it always came back with ntkrnlmp.exe which is...frustrating, to say the least.
  14. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    Funny you mention that, because I've tried the WD Dashboard. What are you looking for? Firmware is up-to-date and it doesn't report anything unusual in terms of health. I'll run the longer SMART diagnostic to see if it comes up with anything this time, still. Edit: Still no problems detected by WD.
  15. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    I actually just bought a new SSD about a week ago, thinking that my old storage HDD was bringing conflict. However, I have not changed my main drive. (Was thinking about installing Windows on the new one and removing my main as a test, actually!) Here: Main Drive: WD 3D NAND 500GB M.2 2280...