Recent content by aurther13th

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    Question Computer freezes, Caps lock button has no action, having to hold power button to restart ?

    Finally got it figured out. Turns out my board didnt like one of my ram sticks. It works fine in another computer but it doesnt in mine.
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    Question Vga light on after bios update, black screen

    I have removed the card and powered the pc up with the dp and hdmi and neither show anything. And I changed imput on the screen.
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    Question Vga light on after bios update, black screen

    I have been having problems with my computer freezing and wanted to update the bios to eliminate that as an issue. However after the update now I have a black screen. The vga white light was on however after reading a post to unplug dp cable, power the pc on, power off and plug the dp cable and...
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    Question Computer freezes, Caps lock button has no action, having to hold power button to restart ?

    Is your processor overclocked by chance? mine is and wondering about undoing that
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    Question Computer freezes, Caps lock button has no action, having to hold power button to restart ?

    While using the past week if i have a game open but windowed the computer runs fine. However if idle or during light load it freezes.
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    Question Computer freezes, Caps lock button has no action, having to hold power button to restart ?

    About a month ago my pc started freezing up. When it does I can't do anything. Nothing on the keyboard reacts, mouse, anything. It has done it while gaming, although not much. Most of the time its when idling or slight web browsing with power point or word open. It froze just after i put it in...