Recent content by austintx1985

  1. austintx1985

    Super Confused Need Help on a Network Problem

    Since your question has multiple parts, I will attempt to answer each part individually.
  2. austintx1985

    laptop does not recognize my login name

    What Operating System are you running? That will help us figure out what exactly is going on and how to fix it. In general, if you are running Windows, you should be able to fix the issue by going into safe mode (usually by pressing F8 at the loading screen) and attempting to repair your...
  3. austintx1985

    Tor Browser failed to install

    Your problem is most likely that you are still running Windows XP. Very little software that you download will work for that OS. If you have to use that browser, update your OS at least to Windows 7, Windows 10 being preferable as it is the newest.
  4. austintx1985

    Please help me

    This could be any number of things. How long have you been having this issue? Things you could look into: - Check to see if there is a firmware update for the router - Make sure no one else has access to the router (maybe even change the admin password)
  5. austintx1985

    ISPs Are Now Free To Discriminate Against Internet Services

    If the internet should fall under the Commerce Clause, then shouldn't Congress be on the hook to make laws governing this instead of the laughable FCC we have at the moment? Seems like that would kinda resolve itself.
  6. austintx1985

    LG 4K monitor red line on edge

    Glad you got it fixed. Enjoy your monitor!
  7. austintx1985

    Want to format HDD-A and reinstall OS. HDD-B have all the data. will it read HDD-B without formatting?

    Once you are done re-installing the OS on HDD-A, you should be able to simply plug up HDD-B and use it no problem. You will not need to re-format it as you are not installing the OS on it. Hope this helps! Source: Done it multiple times. *Edited for clarity*
  8. austintx1985

    Bitcoin's Value Rose To Nearly $10K On Black Friday

    And a currency that could crash one day, with investors losing millions potentially overnight. Plenty of upside, but no guarantees that it continues to go up.
  9. austintx1985

    Please help me reset my laptop

    According to the Dell website, here is how you would perform a factory reset: 1. At the desktop, click the Search the web and Windows box and type "reset" 2. Select Reset this PC (System Setting) 3. Under Advanced Startup, select Restart Now 4. At the Choose an option screen, select...
  10. austintx1985

    Please help me reset my laptop

    Performing a factory reset means that you are taking everything: every file, program, etc. that you have installed or any changes you have made to programs already on the machine. This doesn't sound like what you are wanting to do. As for the space issue, are you getting a message saying your...
  11. austintx1985

    Unknown Issue!? Please Help!

    Have you changed/added anything to the stock build since you got it?
  12. austintx1985

    Can someone explain what these are.

    Just list out what all of your components are. Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Power Supply, etc.
  13. austintx1985

    Blue Screen of Death After CPU Upgrade

    Due to the fact that the i5 is a much more powerful CPU, it likely is generating more heat than the stock fan for the old, less powerful CPU is able to keep up with. You are likely getting the BSODs from the system shutting down to prevent damage to the CPU due to overheating. You need to get a...