I disappeared from technology for 10 years from 2011 till late last year, I bought a clevo Sager p178hm, my first gaming computer and it was a laptop it was amazing, I forgot how much I really loved computers and it finally died after about 6 months well because it was 10 years old I was getting ready to replace the hard drive anyway I tried everywhere to get them to fix the motherboard and graphics cards because that's what had failed, everyone told me why it's so old just get a new computer, I didn't I couldn't fix it but I've got all the parts still and new computers are thousands of dollars unless you build it yourself so I buy computers for cheap usually old ones and sell off the parts to build myself bigger and better gaming computers right now I have the first one I put together an optiplex 980 sff I've upgraded the CPU to the 3.6 megahertz and I've got a quad core in the mail as we speak I've got a Nvidia 4 gig graphics card in it and I also have 16 gigs of RAM (Ripjaws) in the mail on its way here so it should be pretty decent computer in a week or so. I don't build gaming computers I'm big into games I build them because I like to build them I'm not good enough to have my own business but I am good enough to be everyone I knows IT person. I just find it amazing that people will pay $1,800 for a computer that still needs RAM and graphics card upgrades when for the for $500 they can get the same thing in the off brand that'll probably last longer..