Recent content by Azarul

  1. A

    Question Gaming and CPU cores overkill

    Thank you. I've been looking into that particular number and it seems to be more prelevant than the core number, for example i was looking at the i7-9700K(8c-8t) & the i9-9900K(8c-16t) which are 4 years old, same base frequency, but a bit more in the boost mode in the i9, nonetheless, they seem...
  2. A

    Question Gaming and CPU cores overkill

    Hello, I've been working on server for the longest time, over 20 years, and since they use big amounts of data, the more cores the better for computing. Always been a console person, plug'n'play, but I intend to buy a pc for gaming/video editing for my lectures. My question is about gaming, and...