Recent content by beeko

  1. beeko

    Question Mining rig doesn't recognize GPU anymore

    The riser was defect, I got it working
  2. beeko

    Question Mining rig doesn't recognize GPU anymore

    The riser is getting power from the PCIe cable (just like in my first rig) and the riser is connected to PCIe splitter with USB cable.. This worked before, but now it is not for some reason.. It's working fine with 2 gpu without riser, I believe this mobo supports up to 4 or 5 gpu's..
  3. beeko

    Question Mining rig doesn't recognize GPU anymore

    Hey I have 2 rigs, first one is 5x1060's and second one is 2x1060's and I'm using pcie splitters to connect the gpu's to mobo with risers. I tried to connect the 2x1060's to my second rig with a confirmed working pcie splitter and it worked, but now I received a new splitter and it doesn't work...
  4. beeko

    [SOLVED] PC not posting after upgrading ram

    Try with one mem stick only
  5. beeko

    Question My RX 5700 has noticeable coil whine when scrolling through webpages after the most recent driver update. Is this anything to worry about?

    Coil whine is nothing to worry about, you are lucky if you get a gpu/psu without it
  6. beeko

    Question New PSU Crashes PC

    Why did you buy a new PSU if the old one could handle it? The CX series is the most basic one from Corsair, maybe you can still return the unit to the shop where you bought it, usually shops have like accept returns 30 days or so.. I have TX550m and it works flawlessly, so maybe consider TX...
  7. beeko

    [SOLVED] Are Gigabyte PSUs a good choice ?

    Dont buy that gigabyte p850gm - I bought it for mining purposes and noticed that when the fan starts spinning, its very audible. Like literally too god damn loud. I returned it and put 40eur more on Corsair rm850x and.. what can I say, same load but the fan doesn't even spin. Even if the fan is...
  8. beeko

    Question How to play 2.0 in 5.1 mode

    Hello I was asking if its possible to play normal 2.0 files in 5.1 mode and I figured you can do this on VLC: on VLC press CTRL + P, bottom left corner press Show settings -> All, go to Audio tab, Force detection of Dolby sound -> On, Stereo audio output mode: Dolby surround, Save and restart VLC
  9. beeko

    [SOLVED] Fastest read/write SSD or HDD

    My new cpu is AMD Ryzen 5600X. I have plenty of free space on both drives so they should function properly. I don't know if hibernation was on in my system but I just disabled it anyway...
  10. beeko

    [SOLVED] Fastest read/write SSD or HDD

    Well I already uninstalled the game since I wanted to format the HDD... Yeah I would definitely buy more ssds if i had money but the game runs well with the current setup so I will upgrade maybe later. I just want to squeeze as much as I can from my comp... There is this developers console in...
  11. beeko

    [SOLVED] Fastest read/write SSD or HDD

    Yes that's what I am going to do, but I'm only wondering whether to move all files first and THEN install the game, or install the game first and THEN move all other files... What I read from internet is that HDD have faster read times in the outer side of the plate, so I guess I should install...
  12. beeko

    [SOLVED] Fastest read/write SSD or HDD

    There is only windows and steam with cs:go on the SSD. All other files are on the HDD
  13. beeko

    [SOLVED] Fastest read/write SSD or HDD

    Thanks for the replies So I will install the game on the HDD, question is, should I install it first and then move all other files or other way around? I want the game to be accessible on the faster side of the plate
  14. beeko

    [SOLVED] Fastest read/write SSD or HDD

    Hi I have updated some components on my PC and I am playing MFS2020 a lot and would like to make my PC run as fast as possible for the game. I was thinking if it is better to install the game to my SSD where is only 160GB free space (the game takes about 150GB) or should I install it on my HDD...