Recent content by ben morris01

  1. ben morris01

    [SOLVED] Packet loss, is this normal

    sorry excuse my slowness, but are you saying that because the a middle lost packets but it did not affect the final node, ergo their is no issue and it is normal? or are you saying it has impacted in some way? Thanks for the response
  2. ben morris01

    [SOLVED] Packet loss, is this normal

    Hi All, I have started using geforce now for my gaming, i have fairly decent internet, fibre 65-70mb dl 19mb upl 6-9MS, but i keep getting the warning of packet loss? I'm on a 5ghz wireless connection but i also go ethernet on occasion (im using a lenovo ryzen 5 laptop 2500u) I have adjusted...
  3. ben morris01

    Should i 980 or 980ti or wait for pascal?

    Sorry im new so i dont know how to reply tona specfic post, but thanks repear, i think i might just go for the 980ti, i know pascal is apparently to be 10x faster but, just does not seem worth the wait given how well 980ti performs already. Could i just ask would i be hindered by my ram speed...
  4. ben morris01

    Should i 980 or 980ti or wait for pascal?

    Hey guys, wonder if you can help? Ok my current build is: I7 4790 (not k version) GTX 770 8gb ram xms 1333 2xdual channel Games running from external 2tb seagate usb 3 Ok so basically I need to to what is more beneficial, im thinking about getting a 980ti but it is quite a lot of money, and...