Recent content by bencos2018

  1. B

    Question No Computer until i can get this to work

    did you ever manage to get it working btw if you didn't check the gpu cables are in as in your picture they don't seem to be plugged in
  2. B

    Best PC Builds Tom's Hardware Best PC Builds - $750 4K Capable Gaming Build
  3. B

    [SOLVED] Quick question about USBs

    nzxt has their usb 3.0 connecters on their caes purple btw
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Cpu replacement

    if you have a GPU already try plugging that in as the ryzen 5 1600 doesn't seem to have intergreted graphics btw
  5. B

    [SOLVED] What's your favorite form factor when building a PC?

    my favorite form factor is full ATX tbh as I like the flexiblty with the amount of PCI-e slots on the board and the ease of getting parts
  6. B

    Question Are these smart values okay?

    Drive seems to be fine
  7. B

    Question Asus strix x570 f no power

    Try rma ing it if u didn't get working you possibly got a faulty board?
  8. B

    [SOLVED] looking for PCIe to Ps2 converter

    Yes it is possible sorry didn't quote u the first time
  9. B

    [SOLVED] looking for PCIe to Ps2 converter

    Yes u can as far as I know Pcie to ps2 cards do exist btw because I ordered one from myself recently Not a endorsement I have never tried it before there are other ones also btw
  10. B

    Question Can the MSI B450M Gaming Plus have 3 case fans and a cpu fan?

    You can only have two case fans and one CPU fan. you would need to use a fan hub/ splitter cable for more than three fans
  11. B

    [SOLVED] Asus Rog Strix X570-E Graphics?

    No it doesn't have intergreted graphics in the CPU so as a result the Board does not support graphics out of the board connections