Recent content by blackkeys1098

  1. B

    Question Capacitor squeal? Annoying or concerning?

    I can live with the noise as long as it's not going to eventually burn out my gpu or start a fire.
  2. B

    Question Capacitor squeal? Annoying or concerning?

    No, I got this exact one from newegg back in November Are you thinking switching to multi rail may fix it? Again, the same card doesn't have this problem with other games of similar or even greater...
  3. B

    Question Capacitor squeal? Annoying or concerning?

    I'm not sure if it's single or multiple. There's no toggle switch. Three separate 8 pin cables from the PSU to GPU
  4. B

    Question Capacitor squeal? Annoying or concerning?

    The older one was an evga supernova. I didn't do anything specific with the drivers except update them in the linux terminal.
  5. B

    Question Capacitor squeal? Annoying or concerning?

    Bought it back in november I really didn't know what coil whine was until I started googling it an hour ago. I can live with it if it's not causing damage but I want to rule that part out first.
  6. B

    Question Capacitor squeal? Annoying or concerning?

    It hasn't come up with any other game but now that I boot up Mechwarrior 5 I get what sounds like capacitor squeeling. Not that bad but still annoying. For what it's worth, my old 650 psu and RX 5600 xt didn't have this problem on medium settings. I was using a 27" 60 hz monitor, now on a 32"...
  7. B

    Question Installing a native Linux game from physical cd?

    This is probably the dumbest question you've seen on here in a while but I haven't had to install a native linux program from a disc before since all my old disc games are for windows and use wine/proton. Obviously with windows it's just about finding the executable but what am I even looking...
  8. B

    Question 32 bit processor recommendations?

    Yes, window is up to date. Which version of 7 are you on?
  9. B

    Question 32 bit processor recommendations?

    I use those all the time but they never seem to make a big impact. I've noticed perfomance improvements in some cases but it's never been a magic wand in my experience. Risk II for instance, I haven't been able to get that game to launch since I moved off XP to 7 and the compatibility mode did...
  10. B

    Question 32 bit processor recommendations?

    I've had nothing but trouble running 32 bit games from the 95 to early XP era and I'm ultimately trying to acquire or build a pc that can run XP 32 bit as fast and smooth as possible. My daily driver can run anything modern using proton but lutris has been nothing but a headache for anything...
  11. B

    Question 32 bit processor recommendations?

    Are there low profile versions of the 200 series? I'm looking at this old HP and was wondering if I could toss a gpu into it and be done -...
  12. B

    Question 32 bit processor recommendations?

    I'm looking to either build or buy a 32 bit pc (laptop or desktop) to run XP for retro gaming. I'm looking to get something relatively high end, definitely not a potato that just technically runs these games from the 90's and early 2000's Can anyone recommend a cpu/mobo combo to start the build...
  13. B

    Question Fans connected directly to the PSU are not running ?

    I can later. But is there anything to do here other than daisy chain the fans via molex and connect straight to the psu?
  14. B

    Question Fans connected directly to the PSU are not running ?

    I just reconfigured my fan setup in my micro atx case, replacing one fan and installing 4 all new ones in a way I've never done it before. Unsurprisingly, the 4 new ones aren't spinning. I have 3 total PWM fan slots on my motherboard; 1 for the cpu fan, 1 for the built in intake fan and 1 for...
  15. B

    Question New gpu will cause cpu bottleneck - how big of a problem is it really?

    That’s fine, there’s only one game I’m trying to bump up the fps on. I’ve never overclocked my cpu before but would a small increase on that do the trick?