Recent content by Bossyfins

  1. Bossyfins

    [SOLVED] i7 5820k with an X99 FTW-K, unable to correctly OC the CPU ?

    Howdy, I am attempting to OC my 5820k to 4.5gh, or around there, in preparation of my 3090. Now I followed 2 guides, View: My issue is followed. I am able to change the...
  2. Bossyfins

    How To: Wipe a Hard Drive (DBAN)

    This tutorial will show you how to completely wipe a hard drive of its content. **Note** THIS WILL DELETE ALL FILES! Backup any files if you need them. We will go over what is required to do this, and how to do it. Lets begin! Step 1: In...
  3. Bossyfins

    The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

    Thats amazing dude, wished my setup was like that LOL. Also, this forum redesign really got me confused...
  4. Bossyfins

    The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

    Wow, this thread died for almost a year.. How is everybody? Haha
  5. Bossyfins

    The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

    Its been a while. How are all of you guys doing? School has gotten a lot harder now that AP exam are coming up in may.
  6. Bossyfins

    The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

    Seems like this thread died. RIP, to attempt to perform CPR on it, how has it been going you guys? I have been struggling in school, kinda tired, got the email from the settlement company for the 970 lawsuit, still struggling in school...
  7. Bossyfins

    The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

    I'd use the Fractal venturis or EK's fans.
  8. Bossyfins

    The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

    Damn, this place has been very quiet...
  9. Bossyfins

    Advice for New PC

    Perfect choice!
  10. Bossyfins

    Should I get the Nvidia GTX 1080? or wait for the 1080 TI for Overwatch?

    ^ Incorrect. In most cases, SLI 970s are faster than a titan x. But you bring up the vaild point of limited VRAM. So the 1080 would be the better choice unless you wanted to get the 1070.
  11. Bossyfins

    Should I get the Nvidia GTX 1080? or wait for the 1080 TI for Overwatch?

    ^ They arn't backing from SLI. Where did you hear that? They just made a high bandwidth bridge for 2 cards only. The scaling performance from 2 to 3 cards is not good so NVIDIA didnt justify a reason to make a HB bridge for 3/4. A 1080ti will probably come out when Vega cards come out so they...
  12. Bossyfins

    Advice for New PC

    Going with a budget unit you will want a GPU that uses less power to put less load on the PSU. I would recommend the OP to hold on and save more until they can get a better PSU and better GPU.