Recent content by BravoTheta

  1. B

    Better backup PSU

    Anybody know of a good deal for a new PSU during Black Friday or Cyber Monday? I need a backup in case of my current one fail for whatever reason.
  2. B

    PRevent unwanted popups

    Hello, is there some sort of antivirus that can prevent unwanted popups when going into websites to watch tv shows?
  3. B

    Show off your newest system upgrade components here!

    Wow, there are so many new items I wish I had .>.<
  4. B

    is this sound normal from my psu?

    That does not sound very normal, you might need to replace
  5. B

    Seasonic 750FX Power Supply

    Hello, I am thinking of getting a 750FX power supply. Does anyone own one? What is your experience with it?
  6. B

    What is the best hardware to buy right now?

    Hello, ;) I am buying my pc parts on a month to month basis, what would be the best item to buy this month. I heard graphic cards and power supplies are bad to buy because of the mining boom. The only item I have purchase I have made is the case lol. PC budget about $800. I was thinking of...
  7. B

    Best low budget antivirus around?

    Hello, what would be the best low budget antivirus that protects computer software?
  8. B

    closing tabs android

    Usually there is some corner tab where you can close the tabs. or some 3 dots that have some options like back, incognito, etc
  9. B

    What are some pc multiplayer games that have the voice speech?

    Hello, I just got headphones with a mic. What pc games are the best to use the mic?
  10. B

    Best motherboad with Wifi

    Hello, I am building my first pc. At the moment I cannot connect it to the ethernet, so wifi would be my only option. Which motherboard would be the best to use?
  11. B

    Refurbished vs New

    Hello, This is going to be my first time building a pc. Which one would be better to buy? refurbished parts or new items?