Recent content by Brent

  1. B

    Strange DMD problem on TZ

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Same thing on BSD. <> wrote in message >I have been recently getting this weird problem when turning on my TZ. > > When i power it up & get to the screen with...
  2. B

    TECH Gottlieb E & M Question

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Found my answer!
  3. B

    TECH Gottlieb E & M Question

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Working on my first E & M which is a 1963 Sweet Hearts. It has an adjustment called "Kicking Rubber Light Adjustment" It is set on conservative right now. Anyone know what that adjustment is for? Brent
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    Tech: Humble Request Local E&M Help

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Thanks for suggestions guys. It actually already works pretty well and the guy I bought it from new his stuff. But I tend to take them a little further as far as replacement parts. I like them to look new and to work like new which may not be...
  5. B

    Tech: Humble Request Local E&M Help

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Adi, Thanks for reminding me as I had completely forgot about that resource at the Mr. Pinball site. Brent You da man!
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    Tech: Humble Request Local E&M Help

    Archived from groups: (More info?) My five pins are 90 games and I just purchased my first E&M game as I am really starting to get interested in old Gottliebs. Purchased a Sweet Hearts because it was the game I remember playng in the little coffee shop in my home town in the...
  7. B

    TECH Funhouse

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Thanks Loyd! The problem was one of the switch wires catching on the side of the ball trough. Brent
  8. B

    TECH Funhouse

    Archived from groups: (More info?) My Funhouse has suddenly started popping two balls up at the start of each game. I checked the trough switches and the right plunger switch and all seem to be working fine in the test mode. Also checked for trough divots and found none. Any...
  9. B

    Fish Tales plastic backboard decal

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Roger, I have one if you can't find it locally in the UK Brent brentcampbell 2135 @ yahoodotcom
  10. B

    Is there handle for the Shuttle XPC line?

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?) I would suspect that the reason is that the XPC line is just a smaller pc not meant to become a portable pc. <> wrote in message I can't find...
  11. B

    MSI Clock

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) You can read all about it here: But you may be better off looking at the specs of the exact video card you have. "Rainy" <> wrote in...
  12. B

    MSI Clock

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) It's because you have a video card manufactured by MSI. Google is your friend. "Rainy" <> wrote in message news:anJse.79797$xm3.20660@attbi_s21... I right clicked on desktop, clicked on...
  13. B

    Studio Projects C4/Oktava MK012

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hello Ty and everyone, Briefly, What I said with regards to you suggesting my mic be used as a doorstop is representative of what I would say were we having this type of conversation in person. Talk of doorstops and wrapping catfish are not...
  14. B

    P5P800 opening bios

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus (More info?) I have hit the delete key in both screens with the same results. It's a strange one for me indeed. "Michael W. Ryder" <> wrote in message...
  15. B

    Studio Projects C4/Oktava MK012

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Mr. Schultz, just so you know, I wasn't really wrapping catfish the other night with Ty's reviews and didn't post that with any malice - I tend not to use the little smileys. I've been taking breaks from my bench work throughout the afternoon...