Recent content by Bright_Midnight

  1. B

    Upgrade computer build

    I am looking to get more performance out of my pc and would like to know what I should to to increase my computers overall gaming performance for the cheapest amount I can. Using the build in which I will describe bellow I get about 25 fps on Ultra World of Warcraft and 50 fps with max setting...
  2. B

    Pc not powering on.

    After taking apart my old pc in cleaning it I put it back together but placed the power supply with a new one when I go to turn it on. And then everything starting the fan on the motherboard and the graphics card but nothing is on goes on to the monitor and I tested it before I took it apart...
  3. B

    Upgrading a desktop.

  4. B

    Upgrading a desktop.

    I have a hp pavillion elite m9400f that runs games alright. Can get semi playable fps on world of Warcraft and playable fps on Minecraft. I would like to upgrade this pc to become a gaming pc. I am looking to spend around 200 dollars right now to get the biggest leap in gaming performance I can...